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Responses: 1
SPC David S.
107,000 minors were released to sponsors last year. However this has been going on for a while.
As this has been going on for a while I blame the career politicians in congress.

SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Wow! Thanks for the information. To my thinking if minors are found at the border unaccompanied, then their parents, guardians, etc. are unfit for parental roles and their rights need to be terminated immediately. What kind of guardian lets their children alone? If they are doing this to short circuit, get around immigration laws, then they all need to be deported immediately and/or be prosecuted, convicted, and in jail for defrauding the government.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Yes our laws are being exploited however politicians knows this yet do nothing to close the loopholes. My guess is businesses are donating to political parties so they will stay clear of the root problem - illegals come her because they will get hired. Politicians use the excuse that illegals do jobs "no one wants or is willing to do these jobs" however they leave off the important part - "for the pay they get". Another way to say it - politicians allow illegals in so companies can exploit them and get cheap labor - and thus the business fund their campaigns to keep this arrangement going. Left and right are crooks who have been profiting on illegal immigration for years. Its very easy to stop it - pass a law that says if you get caught hiring an illegal you lose your business license for good. As politicians are whores for money we will never see such laws. And then there is the corruption driving by the cartels - tightening the boarder would drastically increase the cost of Hunter Biden's coke - he'll then have to resort to more shady overseas business dealings and as Hunter is an idiot his father doesn't want him going any further off the rails and attracting anymore attention than he already has - Biden seems content with Hunter painting "art" and doing coke with Russian intelligence officers.

Check out the DA's in Texas and whose backing them - DA's in Texas decide what cases to pursue or not to pursue.



https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/10/01/billionaire-george-soros-donation-opposes-austin-police-ballot-measure/ [login to see] /
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I believe the technical term for the Democrats AND Republicans both wanting illegal aliens entering our Country is an “Unholy Alliance”.
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