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Responses: 3
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Puttie is not as secure at home as he makes out. Or as Fox says he is.
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PFC David Foster
Nobody really knows how much money Putin has, I've heard he throws rich businessmen in prison and takes their stuff. Some say Putin is the richest man in the world, but Elon Musk is on fire. The owner of Amazon made as much money last year as Bill Gates is worth, and Elon Musk passed him to be, perhaps, the richest man in the world.
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CPT Lawrence Cable
I think you all need some history lessons. When the Soviet Union Collapsed, the then President Bush Sr. promised the Russians that NATO would not expand "one step" towards Russia. That promise has been violated constantly almost since it was spoken. The "revolution" in the Ukraine had the financial backing of a number of NGO's (read George Soros) and the help of the CIA. The problem with that revolution being that there are at least three Ukrainian States that are heavily populated by people that identify at Russian (Donetsk, Luhansk and the Crimea), one of which had not been part of the Ukraine until 1955 (Crimea). That isn't even mentioning the fact that their economy joined at the hip with the Russians. Sevastopol in the Crimea is home of the Russian Black Sea Fleet AND their only warm water port. Anyone that thought they would sit by and let that go to the Ukraine was either blind or stupid. They reacted just like we would if Mexico annexed San Diago.
The point being is that Putin has not reacted any way that was unexpected. I'm not even trying to defend whether he is an authoritarian monster or whatever. The US Government now and historically has had friendly relations with a lot of governments that weren't "Nice". I'm from the Cold War Era, I sat in Alaska with a credible Soviet Threat and war gamed The Fulda Gap so many times I could have done it in my sleep. What escapes me is why Western Europe and the US felt the need to continue poking the Russian Bear when he had withdrawn into his own territory. To Justify the continued existence of NATO after the Threat that justified its formation collapsed?
At this point, the Ukrainian economy is in a wreck, the corruption that plagued the Pro-Russian government has not gone away and gotten worse, and contrary to what some have written, I doubt that the Ukrainian Army would last a week. But why would he bother occupying a failed state? I would think they learned that lesson in Afghanistan. However, the Donetsk, Luhansk and other Breakaway Republics like South Ossetia in the Georgia are and will remain Russian satellites.
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