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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
The reason I rebuttal and put information out is because it’s been to much revisionist history going back to slavery itself to the end of the civil war and on and on .... up to now

United Daughters of the Confederacy revisionist of the civil war....let’s have an example shall we :

“Consider Susan Pendleton Lee’s 1895 textbook, A School History of the United States, in which she declared that although abolitionists had declared slavery to be a “moral wrong,” most Southerners believed that “the evils connected with it were less than those of any other system of labor.” “Hundreds of thousands of African savages,” according to the author, “had been Christianized under its influence—the kindest relations existed between the slaves and their owners.” It should come as no surprise that in her account of Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan was necessary “for protection against . . . outrages committed by misguided negroes.”



Or how about something more current ....

The Black and White of Racism states that :

“2. The book points out that “a fate worse than slavery” was likely had the Africans not been sold in their homeland during the slave trade years. The point is made that America was more a refuge and opportunity than most people with African ancestry realize today.
For example, following are some facts that support the point:
The history of Slavery in early America through the Civil War has been presented to the American people of today in a deceptive manner. White Slaves and Black Slave Owners and the extent of African participation in the slave trade has been excluded from most text books, as well as, historical museums and presentations.”

Published March 21, 2017.

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