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Responses: 4
MCPO Hilary Kunz
O-4 pay not enough? That’s way beyond the pale…
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
Yepper. They need to throw away the key if he's convicted.
MCPO Hilary Kunz
MCPO Hilary Kunz
3 y
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - yes, if he’s convicted by a jury of his peers. Some people don’t seem to understand the basics of our country and society…
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
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PFC David Foster
We should bring back some of the medieval punishments and do them publicly. I believe it would cut down on some of these crimes a lot.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
I have no doubt.
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MAJ Telecommunications Systems Engineer
Whenever I see cases where a senior leader abuses the trust placed in them to set the standard for integrity and good order/discipline, I wonder what motivated those individual(s) to make the decision to "break bad". Is what we saw in this article a product of "absolute power corrupting absolutely"? Or, does this stem in part from personal financial problems or avarice which the individual(s) is afraid to disclose? Or, might it be something else?
If you have thoughts on this, I'm interested to hear your perspectives.
MCPO Hilary Kunz
MCPO Hilary Kunz
3 y
I think it might have been a product of long time use of those services, then seeing that it makes financial sense to provide services for others. I was a police officer in Olongapo. When I was in the PI, hookers were a way of life. They were a huge part of the problems we had with Sailors and Marines finding themselves in trouble of some sort.
That also “normalized” utilizing the services in the Pacific. Sea stories of epic greatness were part and parcel of the beginning of deployments. The stories were such that one of my friends never left the ship import Subic. He looked just like Christopher Reeves, and he knew he’d be harassed as, “Superman”, to no end.
The normalization then spread, so, I’m not thinking “avarice”, as in, “I’m gonna get you”, but, “hey, everyone wants this, even though technically it isn’t legal, so I’m helping out.”
Short version, slippery slope pulled him into the hole….
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
3 y
MAJ (Join to see) Re “What motivated those individual(s) to make the decision to "break bad"— Trafficking people may be motivated by greed, or lust, also it is always cruel and malicious. All Sin.
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