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Responses: 2
SPC Kevin Ford
Edited 3 y ago
A jury of his peers came to a verdict, that part has to be let go. There are plenty of times juries have come to good verdicts and bad verdicts and I'm not going to get into a debate on this one. It is what it is.

I'd quibble a bit on the judge. All judges have biases at play, the're human. A lot of judges just have a better ability to move those biases to the rear seat, or at least not make them so obvious. Biases that are too clearly on display damage the credibility of the judiciary.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
Look at the initial letters of the news source. It is never true. Saw the best interview I've ever seen on CNN with the new Virginia Republican Winsome Sears. I really like her!
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