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Responses: 4
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
When looking into other reports of this:

The "Super Happy Fund America" group is a group in MA with far right ties that was also behind a "Straight Pride" parade in 2019 (that did not go the way they expected at all). They are also organizers of the "Refounding Fathers Coalition" another far right group. The group has been "under increased scrutiny after two of its leaders were charged in connection with the Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021."

The counterprotesters were playing mustc to drown out the anti-vax, anti-max protest.

Police had closed down streets around Bostom Commons to prepare for that rally and hundreds of police officers in the area before the rally started at noon. That's probably why there were no injuries and two people arrested, which is even what the police spokesperson said.

It sounds like the worst it got was a "shoving match" between the two groups. So "turns violent" seems a bit dramatic.

Are you talking about on Oct 21 when they counter-protested a "pro-life prayer vigil?" How did they violate freedom of religion counterprotesting something that was a rally for "pro-life?"
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Cpl Software Engineer
Because fighting perceived fascism with fascist tactics is a solid plan.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
MSG Joseph Cristofaro
Posted 14 h ago
ANTIFA are fascist regardless of what they call themselves, based on the tactics and techniques they employ.

It's funny how liberals blame Trump for the covid deaths during his Presidency, they cite different things he should have done or didn't do, despite the fact that there was no vaccine available until around Dec 2020. There were 400,000 covid deaths within a year under Trump.
The liberals don't mention the 355,000 COVID deaths under Biden within a 10 month period, the fact that there was a vaccine available the entire time and the fact that Biden supposedly did many of the things liberals called for and the deaths occurred anyway.

--- I think this might be the most nonsensical thing I've read so far today. Yes there's been a vaccine in 2021; however, many people aren't getting it. The people dying from it overwhelmingly are the unvaccinated. Add in the Delta variant which is more infectious than the strain last year and that many local and state governments eased up on restrictions...the vaccine doesn't matter.

People who are vaccinated and get a breakthrough case - and no underlying issues - come out of it pretty well. You know this.

What does covid have to do with this post anyway?
CPL Earl Kochis
CPL Earl Kochis
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