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Responses: 2
A1C John Weiss
While I will not get political on here I will say "ignorance is bliss".
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
You got it, exactly right look at my comment above. In Wisconsin we waited 36 freakin months for an environmental review to complete before we could even start to add 1 more Amtrak train on the Chicago to Milwaukee corridor that carries over 60 trains already South of the Illinois border. A project that helps with climate change and reduced pollution. Under Trumps revised rules that EIS would have been done in under a year. It took another 4-5 years to attempt to meet buy USA provisions as well as safety issues which actually Obama finally waived right before he left office but had he not done so Trump would have.
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Erich Guenther - I can add this, our permits for example air permit, are for 5 years, but when we have about 2 years left on that permit we start working with consulting firms, lawyers etc on the next permit, not get this on our last permit was approved with only 13 months left by the Region 4 EPA office, we went almost 4 years on a 5 year permit before it was actually approved, and we go thru the same thing with our water permit as well.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
SSG (Join to see) - I don't get it why the EPA can't figure this out. Understood it is Big Government but their admnistrators have to know the duration time from start to finish of an EIS? So why not take the initiative internal to the EPA to fix this, why does that initiative have to be forced upon them? BTW, some of this nonsense is contributing to the current spate of logistics issues we are experiencing now as well. Though the Media pushes that all off as Pandemic related, which is what made it more visible. These issues have been building for 10-15 years now before the partial collapse that just happened.
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PFC David Foster
You should remember that Trump didn't give two hoots for the environment.... In fact, he lifted over 100 environmental restrictions that were put in place to protect the environment... When Trump took office, everything was flowing so smooth for him, he didn't have to do anything, but he hated Obama and destroyed everything Obama built.... Trump took over with a flourishing economy built upon sustainable practices to protect the environment. Trump also lifted a pile of restrictions placed on the stock market to keep it sustainable and protect the people from another bubble in order to get explosive gains for rich people.

We want to build an infrastructure that will be safe and last for generations whereas Trump wanted to hurry along an infrastructure that would pad the pockets of him and his rich friends.... What is so hard to believe is how so many people can be blind to Trumps lies

My guess is you do have a good shot to shut us down next November. The mountain of lies and propaganda against the good man Biden is working very well.... keep it up and the Republicans will be able to shut us down next November and nothing will get done for two years afterwards.... It's the American way.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln - Then why was Obama repealing some of them in part or in whole at the end of his second term.........explain that, can you?
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln - I will give you an example of one of those Obama E.O.'s, he put out and E.O. for SO2 emissions that was so low you smoking a cigarette could not pass it. Our smelter along with the state division of air and a local power plant split the cost of an emissions study and the expert the brought in said the with the current emissions standard under the new E.O. that the only way we could ever effect anyone was if a highly asthmatic person was jogging at a fast pace by our property there was a 1 in 1 million chance it could trigger an asthma attack. But the reasoning for such a low level was Obama knew coal fired power plants could never reach that target point, he was going to use the EPA to shut every coal fired power plant down.
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
PO2 Russell "Russ" Lincoln
3 y
SPC Erich Guenther - You might as well explain political ethics.
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
I'm not gonna bother much with you bunch of far right wing hoots, but it sure is funny how you can take something that DJT did to Obama and try to make it sound bad when Biden does it to Trump.... Politics as usual, at least I see things as they really are.... you guys should try opening your eyes sometimes....
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