Posted on Oct 16, 2021
‘Accountability’ Marine gets light sentence; judge blasts command
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I read this, if you call 5000 dollar fine, 9 days in jail, and getting kicked out of the service and losing your benefits "a light sentence".
It costed him his career! He is lucky though. With a special court martial he could have got as we called it back in the day, "six, six and a kick." Six months forfeiture of two-thirds of your pay, six months hard labor and a bad conduct discharge.
PO2 (Join to see)
Yes he got off light. He really could have done some serious Brig time and BCD or Dishonorable discharge.
Cpl Vic Burk
PO2 (Join to see) - Technicality, a dishonorable would have to come from a General Courts Martial. A special can only award up to a BCD (unless they have changed the rules since I got out) I am surprised they didn't go for the General Courts Martial actually. With his record I doubt the review board would approve a BCD or DD anyways.
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