My smartphone has links to many new sources including ABC, National Public Radio and other links and I never see a story refuting The Fox news stories lately. I believe nine of the 10 top watched shows in the last couple months for news has been on Fox News. When you circle the wagons and protect the president and his druggie son, people notice and word-of-mouth gets out that Fox News actually publishes stuff that the leftist media won't touch like the recent story of a girl raped in a high school bathroom buy a guy who put on a skirt and raped her. He was later set with different school and raped a second female but the media mostly ignores this while trying to Virtual signal to the lgbtq crowd.
One of you try to challenge me in a prior articles saying that the Supersize Me argument meaning just because you watch Fox News doesn't mean it's good for you? This is not like eating a full supersize meal at McDonalds. You're not going to get brain damage and diabetes listening to Fox News. Your kidneys are not going to fail and you're not going to lose your critical thinking skills if you listen to other points of view that are not part of the collected this cohort who circles the wagons to protect this dangerous President, his supporters to his Progressive Democratic Party and his druggie son.
The other news networks are having ratings in the toilet along with lower advertising Revenue May mean that's why they are starting to ask questions to this messed up Administration. With all the debacles of Afghanistan, the economy, infighting with the Democratic Party, contradictions from his press secretary and from President Biden concerning the vaccine mandate and many other issues is probably why the pro Biden media is showing a strain and finally starting to ask more than ice cream and clothing questions to President Biden.