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Responses: 6
SFC Casey O'Mally
The hypocrisy of someone who stands up for individual freedom and then claims to support a nation built on individual freedom. How DARE THEY!!!!

If the vaccine works, then my vaccination status does not affect you. If you need *me* to be vaccinated to make *you* feel safe, despite your own jabs, then you are admitting the vaccines doesn't work.

As far as deploying to America to help hospitals, it is part of what the military does. Ideology is NOT part of the mission. We follow orders and go where we are told. What happened to folks who refused to go to Iraq or Afghanistan on ideological grounds? Cort Martial and discharge. If folks refuse to go on these CONUS missions on ideological grounds, they should see the same result.

Sit down, shut up, and perform your mission.

As for the spouses... Well. They are spouses. Spouses have bitched and complained about any and every deployment, ever. I am not saying their opinion does not matter, but it certainly shouldn't be given a whole lot of weight or a platform.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
3 y
I doubt anyone could say that better. ZDoggMD came close. People on here have advocated for triage at hospitals to be based off vaccine status and not acuity.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
If they are an anti-vaxxer, then they are not a patriot.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 3 y ago
The unvaccinated jackasses who are in ICUs will cause emotional pain to this generation of doctors and nurses. The hospitals are often straining to provide medical support for the unvaccinated.

They hurt our ability to control the pandemic as it controls many of the unvaccinated. One more thing, they are buddy fuckers because my wife can’t get hip replacement surgery because the hospitals are so decisively engaged in taking care of the unvaccinated in ICUs. It does not help the situation because the GOP promulgate anti-vaxxing and anti-masking. The right is trained like sheep and will suffer for being sheep. It is painfully obvious what happens to the Trump and the GOP supporters as they listen to them.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
Oh the horror and pain of DOING THEIR JOB.

If treating folks who are sick is traumatic, then maybe a career in medicine is not the best option.

I am not saying that people shouldn't get vaxxed. I'm not saying that this *doesn't* take a toll on health care workers.

But the argument that you need to get vaxxed so the health care PROFESSIONALS don't need to suffer the consequences of actually doing their jobs is... Not a good argument.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
You blame the health professionals for full ICUs. WTF?

Of course this pandemic has impacted doctors and nurses. They work long hours and watch people die often.

I never said people should get the vaccine to directly impact the the welfare to the health professionals.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - I did not blame health care professionals for anything. Not even close to it.

As for your protest that "I never said people should get the vaccine to directly impact the the welfare to the health professionals." This is true. What you said is that NOT getting the vaccine will directly impact the welfare of the health care professionals. And, I quote: "The unvaccinated jackasses who are in ICUs will cause emotional pain to this generation of doctors and nurses."

Sure, you didn't say that we need to get the vax for the doctors and nurses. You just said that anyone who doesn't get the vax and ends up needing the doctors and nurses to do their job is harming them.
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