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CSM Chuck Stafford
What a dystopia you describe...Thank goodness we have a POTUS to save us from that -- Let's Go Brandon!
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PFC David Foster
The "Orange Man" did everything in an unsustainable way by pulling out all the plugs, lifting all the restrictions, and trying to burn up the environment along with the economy, hey, but the rich made money like never before, so it's all good right....
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
Ah yes but now the pendulum swings the other way and the Democrats under Biden confiscate a significant portion of your income (via taxes) as well as capture your savings (via inflation). Lets see how you feel in another13-15 months after above 5% inflation starts to take it's toll and the taxes start to really bite. Your about to find out first hand how honest the claim of only the rich would be taxed was (complete BS). Additionally, say the Infrastructure bill passes after almost 2 years of delays and constant rewriting, your not going to see the impacts of that for at least 3 -4 years given the EIS process on government projects takes 18-24 months again (thanks to Biden), most of those projects won't start construction until 2024 or 2025. By that time Congress will already be cutting some of the infrastructure projects back to find money for more social programs.
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - You put it so mildly, tell it like it is.... I'm looking for 10% inflation year after year for 10 years as the wages more than double for the lower income class while their tax bracket rate doesn't go up at all... and all the while, the rich will be getting hit with the same tax rate as under George W Bush, about 40% at 400K yearly income, and going on up to 43% for the really rich and with less loopholes... Yes sir, the rich are really going to have to pay for a change... and the IRS will even be able to verify small transactions so they won't be able to cheat.... it kind of makes me feel sorry for them... Oh and more social programs that are badly needed so we can finally work on cutting crime in an intelligent way.... wonderful news....
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
PFC David Foster - I wish I could be as optimistic as you are on the rich paying taxes. Do you really think Congress has the discipline to let that happen and stand fast and not write counteracting legislation? So many of them needing campaign donations and all? Not likely and you should watch for even more tax loopholes being passed for the wealthy during the Biden Administration. Taxes are a shell game used by the Democrats to appease multiple groups. Everyone leaves happy after a tax increase for the "rich" including the "rich". As far as the lower incomes, TRUMP did boost their real income so kudos to his Economic Policies. Biden will take that increase away and more via unrestrained immigration, Executive Orders restoring regulations TRUMP amended or suspended, Fossil Fuel Policy that results in a spike of gas at the pump, then there is the Inflation that will really ravage the poor as they cannot overcome a 5% inflation rate. The proper way to tax is to tie taxes to income growth, then there is no need to financially rape any one class and everyone is more than happy to pay taxes they can easily afford with incomes rising. Congress ignores the income side of the equation and taxes relentlessly and in almost all cases increasing federal budgets many times the rate of inflation vs holding at rate of inflation. In the end everyone will get screwed despite what PR the Democrats might put out. Democrats enjoy taxes because it keeps the wealthy people lobbying them for relief. Exactly what they want and where they want to be at the center of every problem they create in order to arbitrate and make money via campaign contributions and other perks. Everyone is going to pay under Biden and his infrastructure program we will not see for at least 3-5 years which gives Congress time to whittle it down looking for more money to spend in future budget allocations.
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Time will tell...
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Clooney is just another idiot Hollywood fool who is rich, lives a lifestyle totally different than the average U.S. citizen, hell he has a villa in Italy and spends most of his time over there. Most Hollywood types opinions are stupid and out of touch.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
He always returns to Kentucky for the Kentucky Derby to throw a relatively lavish party. He was born and raised in Kentucky and his Father was a Network Weatherman I believe on a Cinncinnati TV Channel, though I am not completely sure.
SSG Environmental Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes he is from Kentucky as am I, but you hit the nail on the head, he throws a lavish party and it is not for the regular people of Kentucky it is for his Hollywood friends and other snobs who think they are better than the average person.
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