Posted on Oct 4, 2021
Matthew Bible (Full Story) - Early English Bibles
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
One of my wife's ancestors was another English "heretic" who was one of Tyndale's patrons supporting his efforts.
Human beings can't even whisper something in each others ear and relay it to more than three of four people before we have something completely different. This book was written by so many different people, then hidden in caves for centuries, then many more people rewriting it and many more translating it, then add 2000 years of church regulations and laws, changes and demands and whatnots, and abra cadabra we have the bible of the 21st century.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
Except there are thousands of manuscripts some dating back to as early as the third century BCE. Admittedly not many that old are complete, but there are large segments that have survived, enough to achieve consensus among scholars. Further there is much external evidence, literary, archeological and even scientific that testifies as to the authenticity of scripture.Further, there are far more ancient manuscripts of the New Testament, in multiple languages, (approximately 24,000 fragments and copies,) most dating from 100 to 300 AD, than any other. The Iliad, by comparison has less than 2000 fragments or copies. That very number of copies complete or otherwise, in agreement, is an assurance of accuracy. The ancient OT scribes also took great pains to assure the accuracy of their copies. All of that is beyond the scope of this reply, but any transcription that did not meet their standards to the last jot and tittle, was immediately destroyed.
Church regulations, laws and traditions do not change the Word, though many, including opponents of the Bible, have misinterpreted it, usually in support of their pet theory or theology. Jesus Himself challenged the religious rulers of the day for following an interpretation of the law that supported their religious attitudes and preconceptions instead of seeking the true meanings of the law. He told the Samaritan woman at the well, 'God is spirit [the Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.'"
Church regulations, laws and traditions do not change the Word, though many, including opponents of the Bible, have misinterpreted it, usually in support of their pet theory or theology. Jesus Himself challenged the religious rulers of the day for following an interpretation of the law that supported their religious attitudes and preconceptions instead of seeking the true meanings of the law. He told the Samaritan woman at the well, 'God is spirit [the Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.'"
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