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Responses: 4
SSG William Jones
The anti-gun crowd have made this couple's life a living hell.
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SPC Kevin Ford
Once again the legal profession is showing that they are one of the few professions with enforced standards of conduct.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - If you read the articles you would know that the protesters were never on their property and they did point their weapons at the protesters. Please let me know when you’ve done your research.

Once again, the charges do not need to have anything to do with the ethical review. No matter how many times people talk about what they were charged with it won’t change how those reviews work.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro The protesters only "approached" the property in so much as they were on the road beside it. I don't know about your property but every one I've owned abutted a road or walkway as is the case here. The only reason they were so close to the protesters is they chose to walk to the edge of their property. Well within the owner's rights, but they went to the protesters, not the other way around.

As far as not pointing guns at the protesters the term willful ignorance comes to mind. Seriously. It is widely reported with many eye witness accounts. This picture was taken by someone in the crowd, it's pretty obvious in which direction that weapon was pointing. You really have to do some mental gymnastics to come to any other conclusion most likely because it is politicaly inconvenient.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
SPC Kevin Ford Technically they were on the walkway beside the homeowner's property. A walkway, while privately owned, was not owned by the homeowners.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro Also as explained multiple times, their criminal charges pled down to do not solely determine what decision they will make. Certainly the fact that they got a politically motivated pardon won't count in their favor, it may even hurt them. You keep trying to make non criminal matters like this subject to crminal law, they are not.
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TSgt George Rodriguez
The problem is they plead guilty. The good news is their state governor pardoned them which should restore all their rights.
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