Posted on Sep 21, 2021
Daughter Blames Tucker Carlson's Misinformation For Playing A Role In Dad's COVID-19 Death
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
If you choose to take medical advice from a non-medical TV show host you should probably have your dependents prepared for the inevitable.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Having worked in an ER I wish stupid shit on TV was the only stupid shit people did.
Tucker Carlson has admitted to lying and in his own defense in his defamation lawsuit, his lawyers argued, "any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements". In other words, he should not be believed without skepticism. I feel for people who believe these TV hosts and their opinions.
It's truly hard to believe he gets higher ratings than just about all the real news broadcasters in the world.... It has been stated time and time again that Fox News admits that Tucker Carlson is Entertainment news, not to take it seriously, and people still take it seriously because it's on Fox news..... Sheesh!!!!
MAJ Byron Oyler
Both general society and the news have become so polar that they repeal what they dont like and believe like a religion what they agree with. I take both the Communist News Network (CNN) and Fox with a grain of salt. Many times CNN has seemed like the media department for the Democratic Party. Hard to find honest news these days.
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