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Responses: 9
SSG Samuel Kermon
This article seems to be on point in my opinion. Islam is NOT a religion of peace or sensibility but a cruel caricature of the worse of man's more abominable traits. People call it something else because they don't want to offend this grotesque religion. Yes, my opinion is strong concerning this.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
As is mine.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
So is mine.
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SSG Michael Noll
Sad brother Dale.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
It sure is.
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LTC David Brown
Edited 3 y ago
Mohammad the supposed prophet was a 6th century war lord and terrorist with a giant ego. He obtained one of his wives after raiding a Jewish village and killing most of the male population. The women who became his wife was married to the town treasurer. In order to gain the money from the town the women’s husband was tortured on Mohammad’s orders. The women were divided up among the soldiers to be raped. The women who became Mohammad’s wife was given to a captain. He took her, striped her in front of the soldiers and started raping her publicly. While she was being stripped a soldier went and told Mohammad how beautiful she was. Mohammad ordered her to be brought to him. Well the Captain was deep into his session with her and refused to stop. One fellow kicked him hard in his rear end to get him off. The women was dragged naked to Mohammad. Mohammad saw how pretty she was and took her for his. The Captain objected so Mohammad offered him other women. The Captain insisted she was his. Mohammad then offered him YOUNG BOYS. The Captain wasn’t into sodomizing young boys and wanted the women. Finally it dawned on the Captain he could live and stop claiming the women or die. Mohammad was then going to marry her and bed her that night. His adviser suggested Mohammad give her time to mourn the death of her husband, her father and her uncles. So Mohammad waited a few days before he married and raped her. Mohammad died when one of his wives poisoned him. Rape is part and parcel of Islam. The only ones safe women are MUSLIM women dressed like a moving laundry display. Sodomizing young boys is also common. A simply wonderful religion with a wonderful founder. Today he would charged with crimes against humanity. https://www.catholic.org/news/international/middle_east/story.php?id=48125
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