Posted on Sep 18, 2021
Fox News Digital dominates CNN, WaPo, Politico, NY Times in multiplatform minutes, views during...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
The pro Biden, pro Democratic Socialist networks of misinformation aren't worth even paying attention to, they are NOT creditable. I want news, NOT propaganda and outright lies so it's actual news outlets I go to for real factual information. The political standing of Biden and measure on honesty with him has never been good and add to that a deteriorating brain function it's sure NOT getting better. Maybe they will wake up and come to that reality, if not they may well go down with him. You can only repeat a lie and take fools in for so long but sometimes even they wake up and pay actual attention.
LTC (Join to see)
The divide and conquer coronavirus mandates won't hide the disaster of Afghanistan
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
LTC (Join to see) - NO, it doesn't but once again each failure is followed by more lies and finger pointing by the Democrats to draw attention away from the current failure. This is not a new tactic by any means but the usual Method of Operation by a corrupt political party Who tend to have started the actual problem themselves but still won't admit it and continue to point fingers.
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