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Responses: 3
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
Same thing happened back in 2018 going into 2019 when he had a shutdown an we had two separate caravans come. The difference some got in the rest had to wait an sit in Mexico before immigration would hear the individual case. This time they're getting beyond the border into states along the border. This isn't a federal issue or state issue. The border is merely swamped literally. So many people from central an South America are making journeys to come here. The more climate change ravages the continent mixed with worsing conditions an bad governments it's only going to get worse. The us, Canada, an Mexico along with Brazil are going to need to invest in the different countries if we don't want the populations to leave them. It's only a matter of time. If you don't let them in all you can do is fire on site. Which would be inhumane. Either process them all slowly, make them sit an wait which is what we've been doing an it isn't working. So you can either process what you can or force them back. The borders are outnumbered like I already said. If they got violent the CDP would not stand a chance alone.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
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Sgt (Join to see) The administration would reinstate the policy even though the Supreme Court ruled in its favor. My point is though even if we send them back an Mexico sends them back they'll just keep coming back an trying again. It's a permanent limbo. We've got jobs Americans don't want, we've got towns that are loosing populations literally we've got places that are now ghost towns that can be resettled an repopulated. I'm not saying let them all in. I'm just saying we can allow more in. I rather our jobs go to people then become automated an never exist again. Let these people work an give the entitled Americans who refuse to work their precious social benefits. Many Latin Americans I've met whether legal or illegal are 20 times more hard working than the current working generation of our country.
Sgt Print Journalist
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PFC (Join to see) - I believe much of what you’re saying could be relevant ; however Joe Biden’s foolish action of overturning MPP on his first day and then stopping the Wall building ( though contractors were still paid!) has caused such a free for all at the border that hundreds of thousands (over 350,000) have just walked into the US through unguarded areas, in addition to the the large groups the agents are quickly processing—no vetting, little testing for COVID, no enforcement of vaccines. Trouble is, most immediately go on the dole (at encouragement of the government) and I’ve read that over 60% stay on the dole for years after entering the USA.

Country security/ immigration has been handled extremely recklessly by the Biden admin compared to President Trump’s admin. Up here in Michigan, there are thousands of the new immigrants, unvetted.
Sgt Print Journalist
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PFC (Join to see) - I just can’t see one thing Biden/admin has accomplished to protect and enhance this country. Not one thing. Which means the USA is in decline.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
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Sgt (Join to see) To be Fair Ann it's been 9 months only. Before Trump created the tax & jobs act of late 2017 an removed the individual mandate on taxpayers for penalizing them for not having insurance I said the same thing. All the last 4 years wasn't good but some good policies came out of it and not so good policies. Didn't vote for either man but I won't judge this president or his admin fairly until end or 2022 it's only fair. The one good thing Biden/admin has done was give families a monthly child income tax credit. Instead of tax payers getting the credit in one lump some it's being given to families in monthly amounts. While not much having an extra couple under for diapers or just for child related expenses is better than nothing.
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Sgt Print Journalist
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CWO3 Us Marine
Abbot has no problem killing kids (COVID) and took away women's sovereignty over their body, so he should not take issue with mowing them all down with MG fire. We're not quite there yet. Maybe the Cubans avoided FL because DeSantis is crazy enough to do it.
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