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Responses: 12
SFC Eddy Meador
I have never met a more dishonorable officer as Milley seems to be.
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3 y
SFC Eddy Meador I’m sorry? Guess it’s a good thing it’s not your problem anymore then
SFC Eddy Meador
SFC Eddy Meador
3 y
Nope its not my problem it is the US Army's problem and the United States Constitution's problem. You must be one of those woke NCOs.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
3 y
SFC Eddy Meador - NCO Corps started going down hill when Big Army decided to let everybody and their brother/sister in because we needed bodies for Iraq. Then they dropped promotion points and NCOs were getting promoted way to quick. Since that time I noticed that the NCOs, in general, didn't uphold the NCO Creed and were prone to not enforce standards. There is a saying that goes something like, if you don't make a correction on violations you are making a new standard (not how it's really said but my TBI is kicking in and I can't remember it).
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
SFC Eddy Meador - there is enough rot to go around for everyone. Very sad for our Country.
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PFC David Foster
The fan is about to get hit...
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
Yes it is.
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SSG Edward Tilton
do I know him?
SSG Edward Tilton
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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3 y
SSG Edward Tilton - Interesting, and telling, that you question the person making a value statement and when provided the information, instead of explaining why we shouldn't listen to "the person"... you attack the news outlet.

At the end of the day what "you are trying to convey" is just a popularity contest. Probably the best honest analysis I have found I am providing a link to.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
SFC (Join to see) - What this says to me: https://www.businessinsider.com/most-and-least-biased-news-outlets-in-america-2018-6

People on the left are too stupid to recognize bias. The right (for the most part) recognizes that their "preferred sources" are biased. The left, not so much. WaPo, CNN, and ABC News get a 40, 29, and 56!!! for unbiased from lefties? Really? NPR is my primary (amongst MANY) news source. And anyone who TRULY LISTENS can hear the lean to the left. Evidently 54% of folks on the left don't really listen. Or they are so caught up in confirmation bias they refuse to evaluate. Same / same, really.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
Very good analysis, what you wrote is much better than the link you provided. Thank you.
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