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Responses: 6
SrA John Monette
I have full confidence in General Milley
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Edited 3 y ago
This seems to try to summarize everything that's going on. Although interesting is that there's another book about Trump called "I Alone Can Fix It" that did not interview Milley and is all anonymous sources (140 the authors said) who were given anonymity to speak candidly and "reconstruct events and dialogue." That book does not appear to mention anything about him calling his Chinese counterpart but states that he was afraid of what Trump might do leading up to the election with the firing of Esper, Barr resigning and then after Jan 6. This book alleges that there was a plan among Milley and other Joint Chiefs to "resign one-by-one rather than carry out orders from Trump that they considered to be illegal, dangerous or ill-advised."

It is interesting that this book raised no concern on this forum or really anywhere. Hm.

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SP5 Dennis Loberger
Excerpts are designed to create a stir and talk about the book in an attempt to jack up the sales of the book. Saw a person on TV that read the full book and said the calls are nothing unusual and several Generals who said this type of communication is what is expected of a General.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
Even FoxNews reported talking to 15 sources who were in the room when both calls were made and said nothing was "secret," both calls were approved by Esper and Miller and that they were on VTC - and that it was about China had got some crappy intel that the US was planning to attack them during exercises in the SCS which Milley said no that's not true.

But all sides of the media just took it and ran like usual.
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