Posted on Sep 15, 2021
U.S. Defense, State officials will meet with rescue groups to help evacuate Americans, Afghan...
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Good Morning Dale, and thanks for posting this great news about plans to recover the last of those who should be in this country.
In my lifetime I have lived through 18 administrations before this one, and there have been times I have been thoroughly disgusted with our government but never more than now.
This effort should never have been necessary but here we are. Frankly, I think any reasonably competent Second Lieutenant could have created a better exodus plan than did our state department, SecDef, Secretary of State, and the Joint Chiefs; the latter of which I fear has been politically hamstrung by the ignorance of their civilian leaders who seem to think they are the only ones who can contrive a competent plan. It appears that General Milley seems to have found his voice and the funding to support this operation; something the administration would never deny him as they try to extricate themselves from the dung heap they landed in last month.
News agencies are claiming we 'surrendered' - Bunk! Our armed forces didn't surrender anything - Nothing!
As intended by the previous administration, this administration gave that wasteland back to the people who want it badly enough to die for it. We never would have been there if the terrorists who controlled that region hadn't been complicit in the 9/11 attacks so ISIS, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda have paid dearly for their actions with more than 160k KIAs and thousands more wounded.
Now we must rely upon the goodness in the hearts of ordinary Americans to continue doing an extraordinary thing by bringing the remaining civilians and those who helped us, out of that cesspool.
Never before in the history of this country have we ever had a more incompetent cast of characters in DC and I hope they are soon gone, and when they are gone we shall never again suffer the likes of them, and may the blood of the thirteen remain on their hands forever.
Have a great day, brother ~
In my lifetime I have lived through 18 administrations before this one, and there have been times I have been thoroughly disgusted with our government but never more than now.
This effort should never have been necessary but here we are. Frankly, I think any reasonably competent Second Lieutenant could have created a better exodus plan than did our state department, SecDef, Secretary of State, and the Joint Chiefs; the latter of which I fear has been politically hamstrung by the ignorance of their civilian leaders who seem to think they are the only ones who can contrive a competent plan. It appears that General Milley seems to have found his voice and the funding to support this operation; something the administration would never deny him as they try to extricate themselves from the dung heap they landed in last month.
News agencies are claiming we 'surrendered' - Bunk! Our armed forces didn't surrender anything - Nothing!
As intended by the previous administration, this administration gave that wasteland back to the people who want it badly enough to die for it. We never would have been there if the terrorists who controlled that region hadn't been complicit in the 9/11 attacks so ISIS, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda have paid dearly for their actions with more than 160k KIAs and thousands more wounded.
Now we must rely upon the goodness in the hearts of ordinary Americans to continue doing an extraordinary thing by bringing the remaining civilians and those who helped us, out of that cesspool.
Never before in the history of this country have we ever had a more incompetent cast of characters in DC and I hope they are soon gone, and when they are gone we shall never again suffer the likes of them, and may the blood of the thirteen remain on their hands forever.
Have a great day, brother ~
According the current Administration, there are NO Americans left in Afghanistan.
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