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Responses: 4
SPC Kevin Ford
If only we were dealing with the version of the Coronavirus from 1989. I'm sure the people during the 1918 flu pandemic were wishing they were dealing with the normal flu too.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
LT Charles Baird - That's how the classification of death works, that's how it has always worked. That's how it works with all causes of death we track. If I have terminal cancer and will die in six months but because of my weakened state I trip and fall down the stairs, misadventure will be my cause of death not cancer.

Conversely if I'm in the ICU with COVID on a respirator and a nurse trips over a bedpan falls on me and breaks my neck, that's going to be my cause of death, not COVID.

COVID is more likely to kill people already in a weakened state, just like the flu would. All those numbers that track deaths from the flu? They include people in the same state you mention.
LT Charles Baird
LT Charles Baird
3 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Then I have to say - I believe it to be an ignorant way to classify and skew numbers - now to say COVID was a contributor would be more correct than to say it was the cause - my opinion of course. And I will argue everyday that just because they said he contracted COVID does not mean he died of it - we never saw the test results showing he had COVID. However I still disagree as my Aunt died 2 years before my father of the same (Dementia) she had contracted Pneumonia a week before dying but they did not put Pneumonia as the cause of death. So apparently the classification only works that way when it suits the narrative; otherwise my Aunt would have a cause of deaths as Pneumonia not Dementia.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
3 y
LT Charles Baird - This explains how it works.

"For most deaths, the physician reports more that one condition (i.e. disease, injury or complication) and may report a dozen or more conditions that caused or significantly contributed to the death. The fact that most deaths are attributed to multiple causes means that developing statistical information that summarizes what conditions cause death can be complex and significant patterns or trends in causes of death might be missed. To address this problem, the concept of an underlying cause of death was developed and is employed to simplify and standardize statistical tabulations on the underlying cause of death."

LT Charles Baird
LT Charles Baird
3 y
SPC Kevin Ford - I get the underlying cause but when someone has been dying of a disease and given only months to live due the the main disease (i.e. cancer) the underlying cause should be a mute point - Like I said just my opinion.
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SGT Steve McFarland
I have no doubt that COVID-19 has been used as a SCAMDEMIC to further the socialist agenda. The sheeple have bowed to Pope Fraudci and subscribed to Branch COVIDIAN dogma, including lining up to take a "vaccine" that isn't a true vaccine, and muzzling themselves with face-diapers.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
3 y
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
3 y
SGT Charlie Lee he does have a descriptive way of putting things.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Now we know where trump got that lie.
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