Posted on Sep 5, 2021
Elder urges supporters to report ‘anything suspicious’ in California recall election
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Yep. People I went to school with are begging me to vote no, and I'm like what did Newsom really do for you? He didn't do anything for me. The only thing I can give him credit for is under his governorship, there's steps to help inmate firefighters get a chance at becoming firefighters when they finish their sentence, which is a good thing in my opinion. Other than that, him and many democrats in California sell fear to keep job security. They COULD fix the homeless, addict, and many other issues in the state, but they make too much money off it.
We already had Arnold Schwarzenegger win a decade ago. We had President Trump win in 2016 and that really gave them a bad case of diarrhea and I think they're having anxiety attacks now because they knew that Governor Newsom is an idiot. People leaving California, California is out of control yet all these Democrats think they're on a mission from God and held unaccountable for all their screw-ups all the same time they're asking to defund the police, don't prosecute people who commit crimes and raise the threshold to a Grand Theft to $950 so people go into stores and make sure they steal up to $949 and walk out. Notice you have many businesses leaving the state and going to Texas and elsewhere.
SSG Michael Noll PO2 (Join to see)
SSG Michael Noll PO2 (Join to see)

Businesses Are Fleeing California Along With Its Residents, And President Biden Should Pay...
California has lost 265 business headquarters since 2018, and the pace of relocations appears to be accelerating.
SSG Michael Noll
I am hoping to could cause a nation wide change if a liberal state falls my friend.
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