Posted on Sep 2, 2021
'It looked apocalyptic': Crew describes Afghan departure
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
A group of 87 retired US military generals on Monday called for the resignations of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, over what they described as a "disastrous" withdrawal from Afghanistan. describes itself as "retired U.S. generals and admirals defending the Constitution." (Source: Flag Officers 4 America)
My COMMENT about these idiot flag officers: 900.000 people died in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
And cost tax payers $8 trillion
The whole Republican Party and the main stream media’s refusal to tell Americans the truth as to how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. That is how we got into Afghanistan.
Bush/Cheney made a big mistake by invading Afghanistan.
Prosecution of George W. Bush et. al. for War Crimes
WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that President George W. Bush and et. al. (his direct subordinates) committed war crimes,
WHEREAS international law requires the United States government to prosecute all war crimes committed by US persons; for example, torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, used depleted uranium weapons that poisoned the battlefield and civilians for many years following the warfare, and making war on Iraq without a UN resolution,
WHEREAS President Bush et al, ordered the kidnapping of an estimated 150 people from foreign nations (aka “extraordinary rendition”) and delivering them for interrogation by nations having a well documented history of torture,
WHEREAS, Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, “Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure out what we're going to do.” But without permission/vote of the UN Security Council, the US invaded Iraq and in so doing the US did unprovoked or "aggressive" war, the highest crime against mankind,
WHEREAS President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq,
WHEREAS If George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others are not prosecuted US government leaders in the future will not fear any personal consequences for going to war without a declaration by Congress,
WHEREAS the claim that the President, as commander-in-chief, can exercise the unlimited powers of a king or dictator strikes at the very heart of our democracy and the rule of law requires a rejection of impunity for the criminal acts of government officials,
WHEREAS 6,900 and approximately 7,800 contractors were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan at the end of 2018, 52,010 wounded in action, and this number does not included are those “non-hostile injuries” and other medical problems such as heat stroke, suicide attempts, respiratory problems, and vehicle crashes,
WHEREAS 970,000 disability claims registered with the VA,
WHEREAS these wars have been paid for almost entirely by borrowing, therefore including the predicted interest payments, the total cost will be over $6 trillion by the 2050s,
WHEREAS more than 480,000 people have been killed by direct war violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and over 8.4 million Afghans, Pakistanis, and Iraqis are living as war refugees in other countries or are displaced from their homes,
WHEREAS every segment of the US electorate–including majorities of Democrats (82 percent), independents (62 percent), and Republicans (51 percent) — want to hold the Bush administration accountable for its role in the destruction of the CIA’s interrogation tapes and the use of torture by the agency,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute of George W. Bush et. al. for war crimes.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.
President’s oath to “faithfully execute” his office plays a critical role in the constitutional scheme and goes beyond requiring the president to “SHALL take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” (US Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 3)
“Faithfully” was contemporaneously defined, in part, as: “Honestly, without fraud, trick, or ambiguity.” The oath or command of faithful execution to an office holder came to convey an affirmative duty to act … honestly … in the best interest of the public.” (Emphasis added.)
Accordingly, to faithfully execute the office of the President includes a duty to act honestly. Since communicating to the public is one of the president’s official functions, the honesty duty likewise applies to virtually all such communications.
Trump was an accessory to a pandemic (second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter). This crime was a new incident such that our law makers never thought they needed to make a law to punish people who spread unscientific lies or refuting the advice of peer reviewed medical science.
President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq was part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.
Lying the US into Iraq
My COMMENT about these idiot flag officers: 900.000 people died in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
And cost tax payers $8 trillion
The whole Republican Party and the main stream media’s refusal to tell Americans the truth as to how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. That is how we got into Afghanistan.
Bush/Cheney made a big mistake by invading Afghanistan.
Prosecution of George W. Bush et. al. for War Crimes
WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that President George W. Bush and et. al. (his direct subordinates) committed war crimes,
WHEREAS international law requires the United States government to prosecute all war crimes committed by US persons; for example, torture, ghost prisoners, secret jails, used depleted uranium weapons that poisoned the battlefield and civilians for many years following the warfare, and making war on Iraq without a UN resolution,
WHEREAS President Bush et al, ordered the kidnapping of an estimated 150 people from foreign nations (aka “extraordinary rendition”) and delivering them for interrogation by nations having a well documented history of torture,
WHEREAS, Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, “Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure out what we're going to do.” But without permission/vote of the UN Security Council, the US invaded Iraq and in so doing the US did unprovoked or "aggressive" war, the highest crime against mankind,
WHEREAS President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq,
WHEREAS If George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others are not prosecuted US government leaders in the future will not fear any personal consequences for going to war without a declaration by Congress,
WHEREAS the claim that the President, as commander-in-chief, can exercise the unlimited powers of a king or dictator strikes at the very heart of our democracy and the rule of law requires a rejection of impunity for the criminal acts of government officials,
WHEREAS 6,900 and approximately 7,800 contractors were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan at the end of 2018, 52,010 wounded in action, and this number does not included are those “non-hostile injuries” and other medical problems such as heat stroke, suicide attempts, respiratory problems, and vehicle crashes,
WHEREAS 970,000 disability claims registered with the VA,
WHEREAS these wars have been paid for almost entirely by borrowing, therefore including the predicted interest payments, the total cost will be over $6 trillion by the 2050s,
WHEREAS more than 480,000 people have been killed by direct war violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and over 8.4 million Afghans, Pakistanis, and Iraqis are living as war refugees in other countries or are displaced from their homes,
WHEREAS every segment of the US electorate–including majorities of Democrats (82 percent), independents (62 percent), and Republicans (51 percent) — want to hold the Bush administration accountable for its role in the destruction of the CIA’s interrogation tapes and the use of torture by the agency,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand the US Justice Department prosecute of George W. Bush et. al. for war crimes.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.
President’s oath to “faithfully execute” his office plays a critical role in the constitutional scheme and goes beyond requiring the president to “SHALL take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” (US Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 3)
“Faithfully” was contemporaneously defined, in part, as: “Honestly, without fraud, trick, or ambiguity.” The oath or command of faithful execution to an office holder came to convey an affirmative duty to act … honestly … in the best interest of the public.” (Emphasis added.)
Accordingly, to faithfully execute the office of the President includes a duty to act honestly. Since communicating to the public is one of the president’s official functions, the honesty duty likewise applies to virtually all such communications.
Trump was an accessory to a pandemic (second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter). This crime was a new incident such that our law makers never thought they needed to make a law to punish people who spread unscientific lies or refuting the advice of peer reviewed medical science.
President Bush and seven of his administration's top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq was part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.
Lying the US into Iraq
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