Responses: 7
The standards for impeachment was lowered by the Democrats for Trump. Typical responses from our rabid, hypocritical RP Members.
I totally understand the sentiment, however it has no chance of surviving the the current House of Representatives; and by some miracle, if it did there are only cards that are even worse left in the succession deck. We are doomed until the 2022 mid-term and 2024 Presidential elections. The 2022 mid-terms are a tourniquet to get this country thru until 2024.
Impeaching a Commander-in-Chief for a bad call would set a terrible precedent.
SSgt (Join to see)
But impeaching a President for something he did not do sets a good precedence? You rallied around that fiasco - twice!
MSG Stan Hutchison
SSgt (Join to see) - We do not know if Trump did or did not do what he was accused of because we did not have a honest vote in the Senate. Just as we would not have if the GOP tried to impeach Biden over this.
Also, Trump was not in the Commander-in-Chief role when he was impeached. He was not impeached for military actions.
Also, Trump was not in the Commander-in-Chief role when he was impeached. He was not impeached for military actions.
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