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Responses: 2
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 3 y ago
Agree but for different reasons. Respected people in the National Security apparatus repeatedly warned over and over again about Bidens ability to handle foreign policy. The electorate had Biden's miserable record from the 1980's in the Senate as well as his overly naive proposals to end the Cold War. Even had Biden's Iraq peace plan post 2003 (pure stupidity). The far left still voted for him ignoring the warnings they were so full of hate from Trump. It will take losses in the millions possibly tens of millions before the Liberals change course on this buffoon. The best we can hope for is strong election results next year to limit his impact and a strong Republican candidate in the next Presidential election.

We have a looming government shutdown in September right about time the Delta Variant of the Pandemic starts to kick into high gear. All signs are the Biden administration is going for the prolonged shutdown for political points there. I hope he is smarter than that and puts a higher priority on fighting the pandemic.......I won't hold my breath on that wish though.
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
Well said
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
What is to be gained and how many more American lives do we want to lose. 20 years.....20 YEARS!
MSG George Hernlen
MSG George Hernlen
3 y
We didn’t need to loose anyone, or create a panic. If Biden had just left it alone none of this would have happened.
LTC Hbpc Physician Assistant
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
What is to be gained? Honoring the commitment to the men and women of Afghanistan who served and supported our military over the last 20 years is one thing. That's isn't insignificant in my mind. Do you think we can get every American out by the 31st while simultaneously securing the evacuation?
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
LTC (Join to see) - We are getting out of a conflict that had no end state and no plan. I spent 2 years of my life there and feel the commitment has been honored. I don't have a crystal ball to know if the 31st will be the end of it but things are moving along.
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