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Responses: 6
SPC Kevin Ford
It's tough to prove in any type of legal setting that those particular police officers would have acted differently if he were white. I'm not saying they did or they didn't, just that it would be hard to prove. It looks like he had a gun and was only partially following police orders. So I'd bet it was likely a considered a justified shooting and this is one where I'd give the police the benefit of the doubt unless there is some other information not in the article that would cast doubt on their actions.

From a police transparency perspective and community relations perspective, whatever the department can do to show that they treat everyone the same is never a bad thing.

Of course the 800 lb gorilla in the room was if this guy got enough help in the first place. Based on his past this looks to be PTSD, pure and simple.
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
Yes SSG Robert Mark Odom ... The family does deserve answers...
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MSgt Dale Johnson
Terrible situation and tragedy, prayers for relief from grief for the family. When officers are dealing with someone that has been reported in possession of a firearm even if he has been reported as possibly taking his own life it is a frightful event. I would never want to be in that situation.
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