In a nod to true "science", multiple medical researchers & scientists have been researching how particular antibodies can be used to combat the COVID-19 virus, aka the SARS Cov-2, corona virus. They've found one that has a particular method for attacking and destroying COVID-19. According to the article:
“This antibody is both highly neutralizing (meaning it works very well at low concentrations) and broadly neutralizing (meaning it works against all variants),” said Diamond, who is also a professor of molecular microbiology and of pathology & immunology. “That’s an unusual and very desirable combination for an antibody. Also, it binds to a unique spot on the spike protein that isn’t targeted by other antibodies under development. That’s great for combination therapy. We could start thinking about combining this antibody with another one that binds somewhere else to create a combination therapy that would be very difficult for the virus to resist.”
Regardless of any vaccine's status with the FDA, individuals should always try and improve their immune systems. People have many options to improving their immune response to COVID-19 or any virus or bacterial infection. They can take adequate levels of vitamins: Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Vitamin C, and zinc that can assist the human immune system to combat viruses and other pathogens. We can and should use natural vitamins and minerals to maintain and improve our health.