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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
Of course not. Once upon a time, each branch of the US military did its own spying. Who better to observe and understand infantry operations than an Army operative, or naval operations than a Naval operative, etc. But the CIA was formed to save money and "improve efficiency". The problem with the CIA is that it is a bureaucracy and politically active. They are far more concerned with providing intel that supports the dominant political narrative than in taking risks to ferret out the truth. Whereas military intel was based on reconnaissance, the CIA hires foreign nationals to tell them what they want to hear.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
3 y
Thanks for commenting sir.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
Right, like there is no bureaucracy or politics being played within the military intelligence services.... you know, where the potential for promotion may hinge on how well the boss likes what he is hearing. Tell me, Jack, what sort of physical reconnaissance would tell you the whole of the Afghan military would dissolve in a week? What would those reconnaissance photos look like? How do you do reconnaissance on an intention, motive, or attitude? I don't believe you understand the nature and purpose of HUMINT.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
After reading the article about how the Taliban has basically been paying off Afghan military members or government officials under the guise of "cease fires" the last year and a half - it's pretty shocking there was no intel that they could take over so fast or that the Afghan military or security forces would just fold along with the government. That actually is very concerning that no one had any intelligence that pointed to that as an option, even a slim one, knowing the amount of corruption within the ANA and the Afghanistan government. It makes me wonder is the IC back to the way it was pre-9/11? Not sharing info with each other?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
Good comments. I read that they talked about a probability of collapse but nobody expected it that fast.
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SSG Joseph Leckie
So sad, but it's time for him to go. Putting his political view's 1st instead of ALL AMERICAN'S & TROOP'S is wrong no matter how you look at it. We need new leadership.
SSG Joseph Leckie
SSG Joseph Leckie
3 y
Me down range on mission in Afghanistan.
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