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Responses: 7
Capt Gregory Prickett
What a load of BS, especially when she ignores all of the studies that indicate the harm that religion does to children.

Yes, atheists should teach children about religion, but all religions, not just Judaism or Christianity, and should focus on teaching their children how to think, not what to think.
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
3 y
List the studies your talking about. You always talk around the subject, never on it.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
SSgt Robert Jorgensen - Sure, you can use the shortcut listed in the NIH study, Annette Mahoney, Religion in families 1999 to 2009: A relational spirituality framework, 72 J Marriage Fam 805 (Aug. 2010), where 184 studies are listed in Appendix A.
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
SSgt Robert Jorgensen
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Wow you site One (1) paper that looked at 184 studies and it is the gospel truth in your world. And since when did the atheists know about religion? Don't you claim there is no religion or are they really believing in SOMETHING? This is why you blocked me once upon a time!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
SSgt Robert Jorgensen - no, we don't claim there is no religion, there are obviously a great number of religions.

All atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. In my case (along with many others), it is because there has been no evidence presented to demonstrate the existence of a god or gods. But that's not true for all atheists, such as most Buddhists, and so on.

I've looked at a number of studies, and I'm not basing my statement on "one" paper. You asked me about studies, and it was faster to refer you to that appendix, with 184 separate studies, rather than my having to type out hundreds of studies, especially since I did not think that you were even going to read a single one of them.

If I'm in error, let me know which study you want to discuss and we can go from there.

You weren't blocked for disagreeing, you were blocked for the way you respond to discussion. I decided that you should be given a second chance, but I certainly don't have a problem with blocking you again.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
PragerU huh? Yeah I'll pass. I watched about one minute of this and nearly threw up.

If someone wants to raise their kid and force them into their religious beliefs, that's on them. I will not teach my daughter about religion unless she asks me about it - and then she can read up on ALL religions. Not just Abrahamic ones. She can learn about the history and background of them all. If she wants to believe in a certain religion fine. As long as it doesn't influence her to harm herself or others, fine.

It's extremely easy to talk about death to a kid without talking about religion or a deity. I have talked to my daughter about it. She asked what happens when we die - I said no one knows. No one knows what happens when we die. Is there an afterlife or not? No one knows. Those are facts.

If people want to live their lives solely focused on some after life "reward" well I feel like that's a waste but it's your life to do it whoever does. I'm going to enjoy what time I have in this life and whatever happens, happens. If there is some deity and an afterlife and they want to punish me for not worshipping them, so be it. That to me sounds like an extremely petty, jealous abusive deity honestly.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
3 y
I thought Prager was banned
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
SSG Edward Tilton From TikTok. Not the internet.
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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Who's God
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
3 y
He didn't show me an ID
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