Posted on Aug 13, 2021
Progressives’ 'Green Energy' Boondoggle Based on Fantasy and Greed - Frontpagemag
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
See these green new deal idiots do not look at the entire picture, like how much fuel is consumed to extract the minerals needed to make these car batteries, and the fact that these batteries on last for about 10 years. The last figures I have seen is it takes more fuel in one year to mine these minerals than all the passenger jets use in one year. So are we really lowering CO2 levels, not to mention just google lithium mining and see the natural disasters that are happening over sea to get it out of the ground. I guess it is okay to destroy the environment as long as it is in another 3rd world country.
So called green energy is only talking about the green color of our currency. And money is what powers the political world.
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