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Responses: 2
SSgt Owner/Operator
If we stripped the wealth from every American billionaire I don't think we could cover just this piece of the overall debt.

And by stripping all that wealth also means selling off every asset the own. No more Wal-Mart, no more Amazon, no more Microsoft, Google, Facebook, most Hospitals, grocery stores, energy production, and the list goes on.

I do not see this as a win.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
Spending yourself into poverty, that’s what happened in Venezuela. It appears half of our population doesn believe it can happen here. They are in for a rude awakening; of course they will never admit they were wrong. Socialism failures are always someone else’s fault.
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
It is for Making America Great Again, you know what a previous guy didn't do. Heck maybe the next time it freezes in Texas the stuff will be winterized and won't kill 120 Americans again.
MAJ Audiology
MAJ (Join to see)
3 y
Remember risk assessments in the military? Businesses do something similar, but more so about monetary capital vs human capital.

Last year was a once in over 100 years storm. The cost of winterizing the natural gas plants would be astronomical for an area that rarely ever sees temperatures like they experienced in February. That cost would have been passed onto the consumers. I am sure they could see millions of Texas electricity customers getting very upset over their monthly bills going up $20-30 a month to cover the costs for something that when looking at probability and weather history they won’t experience ever again in their lifetime.

Did it suck having power outages and freezing temperatures in Texas? Darn skippy. I live in Texas, but it was no worse than some of the ice storms I lived through in South Carolina and Georgia or in the Midwest. Texans are also very friendly and neighborly and banded together during the crisis in most places. The main issue in Texas is due to the geology natural gas isn’t able to be used like it is in other parts of the country so almost everyone has electric heating vs natural gas or propane which is what was a major issue with losing electricity. When Texas was having its winter storm Ohio West Virginia and Kentucky had the same issue. I had friends and family without power in lower temperatures for weeks.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
MAJ (Join to see) - It appears businesses have already done their risk assessment, and crawled into bed with government: Facebook, MLB, Google, etc. I could go on but I won’t bore you.
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