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Responses: 1
SFC Jim Ruether
ALBANY – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's publisher is scheduled to pay him more than $5 million for the book he authored this year on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to just released tax returns and ethics documents. This is the same Governor who intentionally infected a formerly clean retirement home with a bunch of infected New Yorkers and that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of retirees.

If I were him and writing a book on my memoirs. The last thing I would claim the credit for is how I moved in dozens of infected Covid seniors into a clean nursing home intentionally to save space.

The documents released this week ended a mystery over Cuomo's book deal with The Crown Publishing Group, which issued Cuomo's book, American Crisis, in October as the state stared down a second wave of coronavirus infections. This is the same man who whined about ventilators and Mercy Ships and the complete remodeling of a sports arena to accommodate a group of patients who could have been brought to a local hospital instead.

For nine months, Cuomo had repeatedly refused to reveal the details of his book deal, noting it would be revealed on his taxes at a later date. That came Monday, when both his state-mandated disclosure form and his taxes were due and released.

Now Cuomo has another problem. With mounting individual sexual charges against him he is beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel or is it maybe the light at the end of a long hallway at Riker's Prison. Maybe this is what he's afraid of. His court date with the Families of COVID victims and the women he has groped, fondled, kissed, spanked, made unwanted physical advances to just to name a few victims.

Maybe the most honorable thing he could do is take his book advance and the balance of 5 million from his publisher and pay some kind of restitution to these victims and/or their families. It wouldn't ease the pain for mothers, fathers , grandpas and grams who passed away but then Ex-Governor Cuomo can't spend it either.

We know what will happen though as he's probably got the money already and this disgusting little puke will just head to Saranac Lake in upstate New York and continue to live in luxury as he is accustomed.
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