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Responses: 22
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited 3 y ago
There isn't a single case of disability directly linked to the Anthrax vaccine. The Anthrax vaccine was common in the agriculture industry long before being used in the military. As for the COVID vaccine being "untested", that is simply false. Where are you getting your misinformation?
SrA Michele Burgman
SrA Michele Burgman
3 y
CSM Darieus ZaGara - I would imagine that they would allow waivers as they do for other things like shaving waivers etc...no?!?!
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
3 y
One would hope. The statement is fairly declarative, and does not sound as if it is open to waivers. In any case they would not likely waiver fear. Bottom line is that mandating masks for all, including those vaccinated should suffice while the FDA completes its standard analysis, I have read that they estimate completion by November, December. Why not wait instead of creating more anxiety in a force that already has enough stress.
If we line up tomorrow from a fight then dose during deployment prep. Otherwise they should be patient. Just one mans thoughts. SrA Michele Burgman
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
3 y
CSM Darieus ZaGara - The technology for mRNA has been studied for well over 30 years. This isn't new at all.

What's gonna be your excuse once it is "fully" certified? You and those like you? Then what?
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
CSM Darieus ZaGara - Thanks for the comment. That may be what they MEAN by "untested", but as a statement of fact it is false. And there may be some immune compromised service members, I don't know, though I would think being immunocompromised would be a disqualifying condition for service. I would be interested to see how many actual servicemembers are immunocompromised - by number, not by name. There are those among the population that are definitely immunocompromised and cannot be vaccinated which makes it even more incumbent on those that that are able to get vaccinated to do so... to reduce to the greatest extent possible the reservoir where the virus can reproduce and mutate.
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LTC David Brown
Edited 3 y ago
How come Covide -19 positive and unvaccinated illegal aliens are being shipped around America if this virus is so bad? I am pro vaccine but strangling Americans with petty rules etc while catering to illegals is ridiculous.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
LTC David Brown - Your claim was " shipped around America". Where is all the shipping?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
3 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney -well here you going, untested, unvaccinated. Sent around America. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/border-patrol-not-testing-migrants-192500361.html Released across US hummm does that fit? But if you are a citizen there is talk of requiring vaccinations to participate in various activities, you need masks bla bla bla.
SFC Program Manager
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
LTC David Brown - I believe this story was part of the bigger story on Fox News showing the buses dropping off the migrants in Louisiana and other towns in the middle of the night, almost as if they were smuggling them in without letting the towns know the immigrants are there. This I believe came about from a Border Patrol Whistleblower(s). What I wonder is if the COVID Spikes are a direct result of introducing the COVID positive migrants into the unsuspecting communities.
SFC Program Manager
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Yes, on Fox News, they were doing an interview with a Border Patrol Whistle Blower(s), and then showed footage of the buses in various locations in the middle of the night dropping of the immigrants, mainly in small towns.
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SrA Michele Burgman
Edited 3 y ago
Didn't the trump administration fast track the vaccine? He was in office when the vaccine was being given and when the lockdowns and mask mandates took place. What about those that are asymptomatic? By your reasoning, they should stay home if they are sick, but if they are asymptomatic, they don't know they are sick, thus exposing the general population to the deadly virus. As far as the flu, that you mentioned, well, there were no shortage of news articles that indicated an incredibly mild flu season due to everyone staying home, masking up, and taking better hygiene precautions. You mentioned that dems quietly pushed through a bill that grants immunity to the drug companies providing the vaccine, however, I don't see you express any ire at the repubs that voted on said bill. Unless you, personally, are an expert in the field of infectious diseases, I'll continue to listen to the medical experts and scientists.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
3 y
SrA Michele Burgman It's not about non-trumpy, there's a line between non-trumpy and those who hate trumpy. In the eyes of the trumpy those who didn't vote for trumpy are anti-trumpy. Those who are anti trumpy consider those who don't vote for trumly or their person as the same as a trumpy. I didn't vote or like trumpy in elections but because of I didn't vote for trumpy, kiliary or byedon I'd be considered a anti to both groups. Many who didn't vote for either like me just carried out there lives like nothing happened during both elections . But those who were engaged that trumpy won hit the streets and burnt down parts of schools or lit things on fire in anger. So I'd take it you were just anti I Hate both screw you but I vote for who I think is better of the two.
SrA Michele Burgman
SrA Michele Burgman
3 y
PFC (Join to see) - I voted for the most qualified individual.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
3 y
SrA Michele Burgman And nothing wrong with that, Unfortunately politics are now similar to sports. Everyone loves there party/team and will only accept it they win. No more comprises like we could the past. It's either your with us or against us mentality.
LCDR Glen Palo
LCDR Glen Palo
3 y
SFC Randy Hellenbrand - Or those that received their medical degrees from the Facebook School of Medicine.
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