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Responses: 2
SSgt James Mathews
Lackland AFB 1961. I remember marching to a location in back of the bakery, and there I saw a long tent. The end of the tent opened, and we were directed to enter the tent single file. At this point I found out that it was the day that we got all of our shots. As we went through the tent the needles were on the left and the air guns were on the right side. It was kind of funny to see how many passed out at the end or some did not make it through at all. What is the problem with getting a shot, be glad it is free and someone cares about your health. It was mandatory to get shots to go overseas also.
Lt Col Mark Avery
Lt Col Mark Avery
3 y
Just curious - when you did that in 1961, were any of the vaccines approved for use under an Emergency Use Authorization? Pretty sure none of them were when I went through Lackland a few years later.
SSgt James Mathews
SSgt James Mathews
3 y
Good morning SSgt, sorry for taking so long to get back to you. All the shots that were given at that time were approved as a standard shot for recruits. None were approved on an emergency basis. I went into the Army in 59 and received all my shots at that time and when I transferred to th e Air force in 61 I got them again. All approved and none on an emergency basis. Thank you for the question and thank you for your service, SIR.
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1SG Head Of Radiological Services Cboc
The Pfizer vaccine is getting close to full FDA approval. So that should eliminate another excuse not to get it.
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Have fin with a so called "vaccine" where you cam still get covid amd spread it. Also masks dont work and neither does 6ft of distance. It didnt work last time amd wont work this time


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