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Responses: 4
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
9 IN 10 ARE OF UNVACINATED. Nuff said.
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
3 y
Not really, SFC Randy Hellenbrand.
Back in May, in a gesture of great hubris, the CDC officially stopped counting breakthrough cases which didn't result in hospitalization.That means that nobody knows how many vaccinated folks are actually wandering around asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic with lungfuls of COVID-19's latest and greatest virii.
Think about that.
COL Acos Education
COL (Join to see)
3 y
Huh??? 1LT William Clardy That is literally not what that means. They stopped tracking breakthrough cases of the hospitalized does not equal they stop tracking breakthrough cases period. Prior to delta, breakthrough covid pos folk were tested via random surveilling which showed minimal virons/viral load. Once delta showed up, CDC surveillance revealed a significant change in viral load in breakthrough cases, and hence a change in public health policy. So yeah, think about it. So public health folk are literally trying to figure out (and minimize) the amount "wandering around asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic with lungfuls of COVID-19's latest and greatest virii"
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
3 y
Really, COL (Join to see)?
Then please share your interpretation of this "explanation" by the CDC (found under the title "National Surveillance of Vaccine Breakthrough Cases"):
"When COVID-19 vaccines were being introduced, CDC created a vaccine breakthrough surveillance system to allow state and local health departments to voluntarily report vaccine breakthrough cases to CDC. State and local health departments continue to report breakthrough cases to CDC to identify and investigate patterns or trends among hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases. CDC will continue this activity until more sustainable systems for monitoring breakthrough cases are fully established."
That has been reported (in such admittedly obscure publications such as The Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal) as the CDC no longer even asking states to track breakthrough cases which do not result in hospitalization or death, which is the way I suspect my 8th-grade English teach would also interpret it.
If they are not tallying unhospitalized post-vaccine infections, then how can they know the true total number of people who have been infected after vaccination? Especially given that the already relatively high percentage of cases which don't require hospitalization is (allegedly) increased to near certainty among the vaccinated?
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MGySgt Network Operations Chief
Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Some truth being revealed.
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