Posted on Aug 3, 2021
Republicans ignoring racial disparities in our military aren’t paying attention
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
the US can say the military is color blind. But even the rest of the world knows the truth. Why is it so difficult to admit that color is an issue?
Cpl Benjamin Long
Are you going to beat this obedience into people... Are you going to use the iron rod or the wooden rod to make them obey your creed this day?
It's gotta be racism, right? There's no other reason that there are 2 black 4star generals? Gotta be race.
Why are blacks underrepresented in the pilot corps? Gotta be racism, right? How many blacks are applying to the pilot corps? How many are rejected and why? Can't all be race, right?
Blacks are twice as likely to be court-martialed? Show me how many blacks commit crimes vs other races before you start blaming courts-martial on race.
Articles like this are total bullshit. Typical leftist race-baiting.
Why are blacks underrepresented in the pilot corps? Gotta be racism, right? How many blacks are applying to the pilot corps? How many are rejected and why? Can't all be race, right?
Blacks are twice as likely to be court-martialed? Show me how many blacks commit crimes vs other races before you start blaming courts-martial on race.
Articles like this are total bullshit. Typical leftist race-baiting.
SSG Robert Perrotto
If a Black person fails - its gotta be because the whiteman keeps him down. It cannot be because he cant read, write, or speak worth a damn - because all that is white supremacy too.
SPC Jesse Davis
Fascinating take.
Tell us, what do you think the reason is? Would love to hear this enlightened take.
Tell us, what do you think the reason is? Would love to hear this enlightened take.
Sgt (Join to see)
SPC Jesse Davis - "white supremacy" is just an excuse that the leftist race-baiters keep telling blacks so that they can stay perpetual victims. Instead of focusing on this that the should be fixing, problems with the culture, they instead try to shift the blame to something else because they don't want to address that the problem is internal.
It’s easier for people to ignore an issue that benefits or doesn’t effect them than it is for them to even consider there might be an issue.
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