Posted on Jul 30, 2021
Army approves Christian soldier's request to wear long hair for religious reasons
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
It was an arduous process for sure man. But I'm glad that it applies across the board, not just one religion or another.
SFC Eric Harmon
Capt Gregory Prickett - No, he has not. Neither long hair not a beard is acceptable for Soldiers, not for any reason.
SGT (Join to see)
“Neither long hair not a beard is acceptable for Soldiers, not for any reason.”
100% incorrect.
The regulation allows for exception to policy.
100% incorrect.
The regulation allows for exception to policy.
1SG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - It is sad that a SFC like Harmon doesn't read or understand regs.
SFC Eric Harmon
SGT (Join to see) - So you consider being a leader toxic. Interesting. Why would you sign a contract if you were just going to be a sub par Soldier that exists to cause problems? I also question your Christianity. It does not seem sincere. It looks like you are using it to just be a problem.
SGT (Join to see)
SFC Eric Harmon ok, so how do you know I'm a subpar soldier one. I'm green across the board, and have never had disciplinary action. And that fine that you question it, because you've chosen to take an adversarial approach, it's easy to question it. I know what's in my heart. But keep trying SFC. I've been vetted up and down, left and right by the Army.
SFC Eric Harmon
SGT (Join to see) - That is a softball question. A good Soldier meets the standard. You grooming is adverse to military discipline regardless of whatever waiver you got. It makes you a easy mark for those that believe the standards mean something. The Army is not a social program and it should not cater to every Soldiers whims.
SFC Eric Harmon
Oh dear, a political asshat that is claiming to be a member of the military has downvoted me, however shall I go on? Pickett, grow up son.

Suspended Profile
SFC Eric Harmon - First: The US Army has been one of the greatest social programs in our nations history.
Second: Regulations change. But if this a standards argument then allowing beards would be a return standards not a loosening of them. Somehow many forget that the Army existed before WWI. A bearded US Army defeated the Confederate Army and looked pretty good doing it too. Additionally most of our allies allow beards, even deployed, and they are no less professional or lethal as a result of beards.
As for any argument related to protective masks, the technology is better than 100 years ago and if needed beards could be taken away in a threat environment just like many other non deployed things. If we base our standards purely off deployment we need to wear body armor in garrison, be armed constantly and not allow GPS devices stateside.
Second: Regulations change. But if this a standards argument then allowing beards would be a return standards not a loosening of them. Somehow many forget that the Army existed before WWI. A bearded US Army defeated the Confederate Army and looked pretty good doing it too. Additionally most of our allies allow beards, even deployed, and they are no less professional or lethal as a result of beards.
As for any argument related to protective masks, the technology is better than 100 years ago and if needed beards could be taken away in a threat environment just like many other non deployed things. If we base our standards purely off deployment we need to wear body armor in garrison, be armed constantly and not allow GPS devices stateside.
SFC Eric Harmon
CW3 Matt Tait - You are correct that the Army used to wear beards, in a different era. We are no longer in that era.
SFC Eric Harmon
PV2 Larry Sellnow - Well aren't you cute? You would fit right in with the weak military we have today.
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