Posted on Jul 29, 2021
Scientists Accidentally Find a 'Very Exciting' Unique Exoplanet Has More Water Than Earth
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Sgt (Join to see)
GySgt Thomas Vick - When the James Webb Space telescope is launched and in position we will learn a great deal more about this star and its planets... WHat it does prove, already, is that there are planets in orbit around their stars that support liquid water and that means that Earth is not alone... One of the planets in the Alpha Centauri star system is seen as a possible habitable planet which has some measure of water... and that is only 4.2 LY from us... We can't get there now, but with the advent of faster than light speed spacecraft (craft riding a gravity wave with no known limits of speed, we could travel there within an Earth year or perhaps faster... Won't happen in our lifetimes, though, Thomas...
Sgt (Join to see)
SPC Michael Terrell - Until we conquer the science of traveling faster than the speed of light, we will never get there... However, in my view, humans will solve that problem within the next 100 years, or perhaps sooner, as they are feverishly working on the physics of it now. 50 LY is a long way off, as you know, Michael, so for now scientists will study this star and its planets heavily over the coming years... When the new James Webb Telescope is launched and performing, we will be able to see and learn much more than we do today...
SPC Michael Terrell
That's too far in the future for me to participate, unless medicine makes some giant leaps forward. :(
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