Posted on Jul 27, 2021
Only 62% of Fox viewers are vaccinated compared to 83% for CNN and MSNBC, poll shows
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Comparing media ratings to vaccination rates? What if people watch both or neither? Man this is truly becoming pathetic.
Hmmm... Last time I looked really didn't matter what news source you looked at, or paid attention to, or kissed their feet, or whatever.....
It's a virus, it's going to do whatever it wants to do no matter what your political leanings are.
The last time I looked, we still had the option to either get the jab, or not get the jab, it's individual choice.
It's a virus, it's going to do whatever it wants to do no matter what your political leanings are.
The last time I looked, we still had the option to either get the jab, or not get the jab, it's individual choice.
I don't recall being polled, nor any other member of my family. This is nothing but pur speculation. It has no meaning.
If you were to poll the minorities here in GA, you would find they lag well behind.
If you were to poll the minorities here in GA, you would find they lag well behind.
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