Does this kind of approach to education do anything other than preclude minority students from being successful? I can't help but wonder if any of these dolts have given any thought to how telling students--black students in particular--that mathematics is somehow racist, how the correct answer or insistence that there is a correct answer, is somehow an outgrowth of white supremacy, will lead only to fewer students succeeding in the discipline, fewer students being capable of studying these disciplines in the future, and, thus, fewer young black men and women entering into the STEM fields, where mathematics is their bread and butter. Seeing as how STEM fields are some of the most lucrative for any young graduate to enter into, I can't help but see the leftists pushing this into our education system are only serving to cripple minority students, both academically and economically. I know that it has become a meme on the right to point at the left and say, "those are the real racists," but this is inarguably so here. This has gone further than simply the bigotry of low expectations. This is an explicit, pernicious bigotry, keeping minorities from succeeding throughout their lives. This is the new Jim Crow if anything can be categorized as being such.