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Responses: 3
MSgt Dale Johnson
From the Article, Eleven Republicans — including the 10 who issued the joint statement Wednesday afternoon — added in a letter to Schumer that they will vote to proceed on the infrastructure debate next week once the picture is clearer of what the deal looks like.

Sounds like another one of those bills Democrats like to pass and "then read it later," as Nasty Pelosi is so famously quoted as saying like they did Obama Care.
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Sgt Self Employed
The infrastructure bill is a bloated leftist wishlist and the Jan 6 panel is already a sham.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
Sgt (Join to see) - We are almost in agreement. You want to ax Amtrak now I want to give it one last chance over next 5 years. If no performance by then I will say ax it. Amtrak has two near high speed corridors comming online, Chicago to St. Louis, and Chicago to Detroit both 110 mph. I want to see how those do ridership and financial wise first. Chicago to Milwaukee will also be 10 frequencies by then and probably paying it's way as well. So I want to give it a few more years to see how those turn out.
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Why another wasteful 5 years? They've never turned a profit since they were created. They might be putting in more trains that are supposedly running faster, but what they're also doing is trying to get the government to put pressure on other lines to ensure that Amtrak gets priority over everyone else. That translates to crushing all competition. And they want $75 BILLION to do it.
It's time to cut ties with the billions we've already wasted.

SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
Sgt (Join to see) - Actually Amtrak is in it's own bucket in the budget and they are not exerting any pressure over any other rail projects for priority. In fact a lot of the Amtrak projects benefit our GDP directly as they have the ancillary impact of making the freight railways much more efficient as outside the Northeast Corridor Amtrak travels on the Freight railway system as a contractor. You don't understand the whole priority issue and it would take more pages to explain both sides of it but that is not hurting freight railways and in fact most states compensate for Amtrak priority by paying for freight railway improvements for added signaling, added passing tracks, and paying to maintain the tracks at a higher speed limit than freight would use. Chicago to St. Louis is the Union Pacific railway and taxpayers not Union Pacific are paying the tab for the 110 mph track maintenence. Union Pacific is only paying to maintain the track to 55-60 mph. Small example. The problem Amtrak has with some and only some of the freight railways is one or two refuses to outline what improvements need to be made to host faster Amtrak trains or they stall indefinitely. Or come back with a ridiculous estimate of Billions of Dollars needed to spend to host Amtrak trains. So that is the crux of the issue of why Amtrak needs the ability to sue to settle the issues in Civil Court. Again not all the railroads are fighting them, primarily two at the most from what I see.
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
3 y
SPC Erich Guenther - I do understand the issues, thanks for asking.
And I disagree with you on whether or not Amtrak is beneficial. You say it is, I say it's a waste. You think we're getting ancillary benefits, I'm saying we're paying more than we're getting in return.
I'm not going to convince you and you're not going to convince me.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 3 y ago
They need to split out immigration it is not infrastructure. All other attempts to squeeze non-infrastructure into this bill has to be removed as well. Good news though is the country is getting some aspects of infrastructure refreshed despite the bill stalling. NYC just took delivery of brand new subway cars. Midwest is taking delivery of brand new German built 125 mph capable trainsets for Amtrak Midwest service......and more happening. Dallas to Houston High Speed Rail signed construction agreement for building line, Los Angeles to Las Vegas High Speed Rail sold it's first traunch of bonds in order to start construction of that line. Work proceeding on Tampa - Orlando - Miami, Brightline project. Feds approve 90 mph operation on Chicago to St. Louis line which should be approved to 110 mph operation within 1-2 more years of testing.
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