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Responses: 13
CPT Jack Durish
More opinion? Where's the science?
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
3 y
The science is everywhere, but some choose to ignore. Here is Yale Medicine article about the dangers of Delta variant compared to the original COVID version

CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
3 y
LTC Eugene Chu - Too bad this wasn't the original posting.
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LT Brad McInnis
Funny, the author is an admitted democratic socialist. Surprising he would write something with no facts that blames the conservatives. If Conservatives are the ones not getting vaccinated, then why are all the celebrities and politicians going into low income POC communities to get people vaccinated? The vaccines are FREE, why do they have to spend so much money to get these people to get a free vaccine? Don't you dare bring up "Trump made people scared to get the vaccine" crap. It was the left wing media establishment that built up, and feasted on that narrative making tons of money on that tired and false trope. Let us not forget the whole HCQ fiasco. How many people died needlessly because the media and establishment politicians NEEDED to get Trump out of office and used anything they possibly could, including making sh#t up...
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
3 y
PFC (Join to see) - Agree with your facts, my only point is why is there so much hesitancy in the "traditionally Democratic" areas to get the vaccine, despite the massive amounts of money being spent on getting the word out on a free vaccine? I am in Houston, and the Mayor is spending $10M to get people out canvassing people in certain neighborhoods to get them to get the vaccine. They aren't conservative neighborhoods. I am not trying to suggest there is some weird conspiracy or anything, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

The author of the story was trying to blame Conservatives, but conservatives are not the only group not getting the vaccine. I just don't like the "let me write a story blaming Conservatives" so I can get clicks and make my company money. There is so much disinformation out there on just about everything that it is frustrating.

I still think getting a vaccine is a personal choice, especially with all the health issues that are coming up. We have had 2 teenagers die here from enlarged hearts after the 2nd dose. But, it is also the right of businesses to decide who they let in, and what protection they want them to wear. I got the vaccine because I take care of a number of elderly people. If I didn't have to take care of them, not sure I would have gotten it. But, that should be my right. Now, if I was still serving, I would fully expect to get the vaccine regardless of what I personally think, I gave up certain rights joining. Heck, I got that fracking Anthrax vaccine and was never going over...

Have a great day buddy !
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
3 y
LT Brad McInnis you bring up a valid point. I will in regards to people out canvassing or going door to door, I live in a mix neighborhood of white, Asian, and Hispanic populace. I belive maybe they think because of a language barrier or the fact maybe they work so much they can't get a vaccine. Not making excuses simply stating possibilities. I also think many are just scared of the unknown. Every now and again you're seeing the FDA add new warnings to vaccine products about heart inflammation or something else. I think many still want to give it more time and that's fine. These researchers that made and delevoped these vaccines are working on next generation models as we speak anyway. So even if the current product in circulation weakens dramatically a new variant specification will be released to keep worst symptoms ect at bay. Have a good day as well buddy.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
3 y
SGT Charlie Lee Charlie I don't like throwing insults unless it's extremely warranted.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
3 y
SGT Charlie Lee I see you try and I try as well but you come across a few people now and again who can't be reasoned or civil with.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 3 y ago
The population that eschews vaccinations will reach herd immunity the hard way. They are also buddy f@ckers because they give COVID more bodies to mutate in. There will be many who regret their obstinacy.

The sad irony is there will be less Republican voters.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
SGT Charlie Lee - a well known racist
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Where do these people find the creativity to say such silly things? It is quite amazing. lol
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - Out of 195 world leaders, we have to have the idiot who said the pandemic would not hit our shores and later it will disappear. The idiot even got COVID. That's your man! lol

By the way I did not read your drivel above.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Thanks but I did not read it. SSgt Joseph Baptist
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