Posted on Jul 6, 2021
Here's What You Should Know About That Eye-Popping Sign-On Bonus
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Wages NEED TO GO UP. Sorry there Chamber of Commerce people. I'd really like to see some of these people who holler the loudest against a raise live on minimum wage.
However, what I hate is the concerted effort by one party to kill capitalism as it is associated to workers. When there is a labor shortage, wages should go up. I,E. CAPITALISM at it's finest. LOL!! Not the case people. A certain conservative party is doing whatever it can to force people back to work for minimum. There is even a certain group that claims that this is anti capitalism. (Head shacking)
Lets hope something good for once, which allows the workers get a fair shake, comes out of this pandemic horror.
However, what I hate is the concerted effort by one party to kill capitalism as it is associated to workers. When there is a labor shortage, wages should go up. I,E. CAPITALISM at it's finest. LOL!! Not the case people. A certain conservative party is doing whatever it can to force people back to work for minimum. There is even a certain group that claims that this is anti capitalism. (Head shacking)
Lets hope something good for once, which allows the workers get a fair shake, comes out of this pandemic horror.
I would say this to all those employers looking for help:
Pay a livable wage!
Pay a livable wage!
doesn't amazon start all their employees at $15 an hour? that's what they claim in their commercials
MSG Stan Hutchison
Yes, but if you look at the company, there is very little opportunity to advance. The top people are hired from outside. Bezos has said he does not trust workers and keeps the wages low.
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