Posted on Jun 15, 2021
US military guns keep vanishing, some used in street crimes
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I was a company armorer in 1980. If anything came up missing the Commander would have crushed my little ass. In 1985, three duty stations later, the company next to mine lost an M-16A1. That company PLUS MINE, remained in lockdown for at least two weeks. Off post people were moved into the barracks, we did p.t. in the hallways. We were marched to chow and had about a dozen formations per day. Nobody wanted to do that again. As soon as the investigation ended the weapon appeared one night leaning against a tree in front of Bn HQ. The SDNCO received a phone call indicating it was there. Not sure how this kind of thing could happen very often. Times change I guess.
LTC David Brown
I agree. I was at Fort Carson and a weapon was lost down range. The United stayed n the field an extra two weeks looking for it until it was found, and the guy who lost it got an article 15. The weapon locker at the reserve unit had limited access, bank grade safe doors, 24 hour cameras and one hell of an alarm system. God help the person who screwed up. I don’t get it!
Somebody of ill repute has access to the armory. Time to set up a hidden camera.
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