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Responses: 4
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Edited 4 y ago
Hey Jack. Lots of republicans senators and representatives are now taking credit for this program. But to get down to it, Judge William Griesbach is from Wisconsin. His most notable court thing in the last 13 years is from protecting Cops in the Johnathon Tubby murder case. Did I say murder?? I'm from that state and have a memory. Besides, why do white multi-millionaire farmers need all of this money?? Oh wait, isn't this the same money Trump also applied for AND GOT under the small business part of it?? Yup.
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
4 y
He dismissed a federal lawsuit, he didn't protect them. They're still free to file in state court.
Why are you assuming that they're multi-millionaires? Does that matter? Does that mean that black multi-millionaire farmers are also exempt due to the color of their skin?
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
4 y
Wow...thats rich....that comment about millionaire WHITE farmers isn't racist at all!!! Well I am white and I am from a rural farm community with Black and White farmers and guess what...NONE OF THEM ARE MILLIONAIRES!!!! When one needs help they pitch in and help...doesn't matter about the color of your skin. BUT we have also not been able to get the same farm loans or asistance to keep the farm going in many years past that minority farmers (Black or female) were able to get so this isn't new but it is blatant.
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
I for one am glad to see this...having come from a family farming background there have been programs supporting minority farmers...too many to mention here that have given them hundreds of thousands of dollars that white male farmers were not eligible to receive. Farmers are Farmers...period...equipment costs the same, see costs the same, diesel for the tractors costs the same and you sell your grain for whatever the market price is...it does not matter what your race is...l=glad to see some common sense applied to this for once.
Sgt Self Employed
Sgt (Join to see)
4 y
Agreed. I thought we agreed back in the 60's that judging people on the basis of their skin color was bad? And that allowing one race to benefit over another was also bad?
I guess some people want to go back to the old ways.....
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MSG Stan Hutchison
So, please tell me how we make amends for the years and years that black farmers could not get the same loans that white farmers could?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
SGM Erik Marquez - No body wants to address the wrongs of 500 years.
I understand.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
4 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Your correct. Nobody alive today had any action, activity, decision, lack of action or decision that caused an inequality 500 years ago so they should not be required to make reparations for those past unconnected actions by other people.
That is life....

Im not held accountable for what you do tonight on your way home from a bar, friends house, dinner or movie theater, nor are you held responsible for what I do on the way home from work, my action at the grocer store, or pet store.. nor should you be, they were my actions and my actions alone.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez - And yet:
Are we not our brothers keeper?
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
What I've gotten out of this is it's OK to target certain groups as long as we are not explicit about it. For example, target minority voters to make it harder for them to vote? Perfectly fine as long as we don't explicitly say that's what we are doing. Target drug laws so the penalties are harsher for the drugs minorities are more likely to use? No problem, what's this desperate impact thing anyway? (And no, those are not some things that happened way in the past with our ancestors).

But specifically say what you are doing, now suddenly there is a problem. So what I'm hearing is that all Biden has to do is make it target minorities in such a what that it is not explicit that's what he is doing and everyone will be happy. Right? Lol.
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