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Responses: 3
SPC Douglas Bolton
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PVT Mark Zehner
Excellent read!
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent history share brother SGT (Join to see)
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth, Excellent trailblazing response! But did you read the article BEFORE commenting? You've risen to #4 in influence by being the first to comment on hundreds if not thousands of posts? How many trailblazing awards have you managed? Care to share that number with us?

You hang out on your computer and selfishly scarf these awards up, and gain influence -- as if your trivial words mean anything. I'm not speaking for myself. I'm speaking for others who don't live on their computers or get the chance to be the first to comment. Frankly, I think there should be a limit on how many trailblazing responses one can get in a day. Perhaps 1 every 12 hours? Were that in effect, more people would be able to participate AND get a reward for their participation. Your extreme participation (which is largely superficial, though not always) takes away incentive for others to engage in discussion. Why bother? Most people want a real life and aren't trying to make up for what they lack by participating on Rallypoint.

On the whole, I'd say when people look at who is influencing in Rallypoint and see you, and the responses you write to get the trailblazing awards, it detracts from the image Rallypoint is trying to create as a website where people can seek advice from others. Who wants sage advice from a cheerleader?

We've had this conversation before and it's people like you that devalue the influence score. That you are #4 in influence amongst all veterans is a testament to your lack of a life. What specifically did you like about this share... other than the fact it is a History share, which anyone can glean from the title? ???

SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SFC Mark Merino MAJ Laurie H.

I've been around RP practically since its inception and was there while it experienced growing pains and was trying to figure out how to Administer the network. I've been banned and blocked for speaking my mind and frankly, I don't care. I'll continue to speak honestly, and if that offends anyone, the problem is theirs, not mine. I do not use RP to measure my worth as an individual.

Things that diminish the role of RP as a place where AD and Veterans/Retirees can get together to share experiences and network:

1. Unlimited trailblazer awards of 100pts each.
Recommend limiting the number of awards given out each day to 2 or 3. One every 8 to 12 hours... I reckon you could experiment with the limit and see what yields the best participation.

2. Frivolous posts. A lot of people are gaming influence by posting music videos and stuff that has very little impact on military life (other than R&R) and doesn't really generate much in the way of meaningful discussion.

3. Awarding points for mentioning people by name. People are spam tagging every post with a group of people's names. I like being tagged as it draws my attention to posts, but I don't think people should be awarded for every name they mention. It incentivizes people to form groups (cliques) where they boost each other by mentioning each others' names while everyone else that is not in their group gets left behind.

4. Endorsements should have writeups. Anyone can click a button and endorse someone, but if you're singling someone out for being special, then aren't they worth the trouble to take some time and explain what makes someone worth your endorsement?
The whole influence point system must be rethought out because it's giving incentive to people to spam the channels with meaningless content. It's not a system of measuring influence; rather it is a system that measures participation without making any attempt to determine real participation from that which is gaming the point system.

Perhaps you could separate influence from participation, and influence could come from the number of upvotes and downvotes from military-related posts, and actual responses to posts. Participation could come from posts in ANY category, trailblazing responses, good responses, excellent, etc. There could be some overlap in what is counted for each but definitely trailblazing responses unless strictly limited should not count toward one's influence, nor should music video posts, etc.

Things have value when you have to work hard to earn them. But sitting at home on your computer, or staying on your phone all day to earn trailblazing awards is not the same as engaging in thoughtful discussion and earning REAL influence. By limiting the amount of awards given, they will increase in value and it will also result in an increase in people participating in meaningful discussion. Well, that's my $.02 and that and $.99 more might get you a coffee but it won't be Starbucks.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. - The planning and the execution of the plans laid out by all senior officers was what I enjoyed reading .
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - That's STILL a very broad statement. What about the planning and execution impressed you the most?
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