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Responses: 3
MAJ Audiology
Wow so basically you lose weight because you can’t keep anything down or in your bowels and your pancreas rages. Sign me up. Sounds the same as drinking some pond water in the Georgia summer heat.
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SPC Cathy Goessman
It sounds awesome. /sarcasm
"Wegovy's most common side effects were gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Those usually subsided, but led about 5% of study participants to stop taking it.

The drug carries a potential risk for a type of thyroid tumor, so it shouldn't be taken by people with a personal or family history of certain thyroid and endocrine tumors. Wegovy also has a risk of depression and pancreas inflammation."

34 lbs over 16 months is well within the normal .5 lb to 2 lbs that people get just from normal diet approaches such as caloric restriction. At $1300 a month the money is probably better spent on psychotherapy and nutritional counseling.

If someone already has type 2 diabetes though this may be a good option. They already need drugs to control their blood sugar. It might as well be one that has weight loss as a side effect.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
SPC Cathy Goessman Yeah I've had to Respond More than Once for a Lady Diabetic that Shot Up Too Much Insulin. This is Just Begging for Trouble.
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CPT Christopher Stanco
So if 50% of the population has been “vaccinated”; Why would those not vaccinated be such a concern?
SPC Cathy Goessman
SPC Cathy Goessman
>1 y
Every time the virus replicates it has a possibility of spawning a new variant that makes all the hard work of vaccinating millions completely pointless. That's why reaching herd immunity where the virus dies off from lack of a susceptible host to spread to is so important.

It's also why delaying vaccination of high exposure and spread risk groups was such a mistake. Yes, the 30 year old grocery store worker is less likely to die from it but she's more likely to get it and then spread it to dozens of people than a 75 year old who rarely leaves the house.
CPT Christopher Stanco
CPT Christopher Stanco
>1 y
Thanks for this. So why are only 50% of the population jabbed? SPC Cathy Goessman
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