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Responses: 11
SSG Robert Perrotto
The sad reality of this is - the idiots who voted those fools into office will leave the city and move to safer red districts, and then vote the same type of fools into office again,
SFC Chuck Martinez
SFC Chuck Martinez
>1 y
Amen brother, you nailbed it!
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MAJ Byron Oyler
Reality is the intelligent and most skilled LEO that saw this coming found other positions and a lot of places the cops that remain are the ones with difficulty obtaining other jobs. To keep it short, the good cops moved on and they get left with the bad, all but what the goal of defunding the police was. If they really wanted better policing, they should have increased pay and training enabling them to be more selective of who is on the force not the opposite.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Chuck Martinez
SFC Chuck Martinez
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - This is some careless and shameful crap, what we need is to take over our own cities. I was in law enforcement for 20 years and have seen a lot of crap, but not at this level we are presently facing. All we have now is bullshit policies and so-called corrupt inept politicians. Our only route to recovery is for the people to rise up in arms and take back our cities, counties, and states, no holds barred. Kick-ass and take names, to show all those criminals, murderers, and protesters that we the people are in charge!!
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SFC Chuck Martinez
Edited >1 y ago
Seattle is my home state and right now it is a cluster fuck. The Seattle Police Chief quit and the demonstrators started protesting and insulting her at her home, she had to move out of the state for her the safety of herself and her family. This is what our country is coming to, lawlessness, murders, destruction of private and city property. It is a very disgusting situation Stephen, and no relief in sight!! Where the hell is we supposed to move, our hands are tied behind our backs. The 0nly thing that comes to mind is to bear arms and fight back. Senseless killings and now Oregon is going through the same shit. We who served our country in the military and been to several war zones abroad, can only stand by and observe. What is happening in the land of the free and home of the brave???
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
>1 y
You have said it very accurately, my friend. I for one am glad that I moved from my home state to a much better state of Texas, IMHO.
SFC Chuck Martinez
SFC Chuck Martinez
>1 y
I still have those 21 acres in Dell City, Texas, Gene!! I really hate where I live right now!
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