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Responses: 4
LTC David Brown
Edited >1 y ago
We didn’t have to physically fight it out with Russia. We can destroy China the same way. I do believe China is trying to do to the US what Britain did to China during the opium wars. This time China is using fentanyl. There are Chneseties with the Cartel smugglers in Mexico. Of course with Kamala Harris managing the border I am sure we are safe. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-china-cartels-specialreport/special-report-burner-phones-and-banking-apps-meet-the-chinese-brokers-laundering-mexican-drug-money-idUSKBN28D1M4
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - I do not underestimate the US, Nor do I underestimate our adversaries. What worked for the USSR will not work with China, and we laid the foundation for it.

In 1978, Jimmy Carter and his "historic" deal with China was an absolute failure of foresight. Instead of staying the course, in regards to both the USSR and China, he thought he could hasten the fall of the USSR, and bring about a soft revolution in China by flooding their markets with western amenities. Instead, China played him for the fool he was, western markets were flooded with cheap, Chinese made products, many of which were knock offs of patented goods, and instead of the desired outcome of Chinese people relying on our goods, Western people became reliant on Cheaply made Chinese goods. western wealth was and still is, flooding into China, which in turn, is paying for their aircraft carriers, aircraft, missile technology. If China were to close their markets, and then call in our debt (they hold the largest foreign entity of our national debt), they could hamstring our economy, They do not care about the consequences to their people today, people can be replaced easily, just have more children.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - We don't have to pay it. Just write them a cold check ;)
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - Right, we renege on our debt and you think any other country would do business with us? The world doesn't work that way.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Actually SSG Perrotto the world works exactly that way. Q.v.
Iceland. Year: 2008. Debt: $85 billion. ...
Argentina. Year: 2001. Debt: $145 billion. ...
Russia. Year: 1998. Debt: $17 billion. ...
Mexico. Year: 1982. Debt: $80 billion.
then you can check ...


If you believe that the federal government would allow a hostile foreign power to bankrupt the nation, you haven't been paying close enough attention. It is a false threat. We'll refuse to pay and then they (the PRC & CCP) won't have anywhere to sell their cheap little pieces of junk.
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SPC Erich Guenther
China is in no position to threaten the United States Militarily, Economically or Politically. We need to proceed with the investigation and hold those accountable if the virus is deemed an act of negligence.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Gee - I wonder why they are apologizing for their own business interests? Could it be because the Chinese Market is a huge cash cow for them? The argument we are debating is about economics, not life or death. And it is not irrelevant political bunk when our industries make it a point of public discourse when they apologize to China for their employees supporting civil rights for Hong Kong, ban professional players for supporting civil rights in Hong Kong.

Your posts clearly implied that the economic repercussions would be not worthy of consideration, do not try to hide behind semantics.

And AOC has a degree in economics, doesn't mean she is intelligent or right when it comes to world economics, as she has proven time and again.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - Actually, if you look in detail at a lot of what AOC says, the country was moving in the direction she was promoting. So I disagree that on your implication that she is stupid. Agreed the Media has made her into a caricature on some of her remarks but that is only because she is challenging the direction of the Democratic Party which is a major sin in the eyes of the liberal media and people that do that have to be either heavily scruitinized or taken down publicly. I don't agree with everything AOC states but some of her Economics statements are fully compatible with the Economic direction this country is moving in. As for the political movements and sports........nothing to do with economic discussion or larger economic relations so I will continue to avoid that irrelevant tangental discussion. Again your putting words in my mouth I never said anything about consideration I said what I said above which is it is not a MAJOR impact. So read this again NOT A MAJOR IMPACT. Once you get that into your head you will understand the thrust of my arguing position without having to modify it on your own. You seem to just follow whatever you hear on TV without any critical thought (ie the AOC comments). You do really need to expand your sources of information or read more. United States is clearly moving towards more high density compatible transportation systems (one view AOC is promoting as GREEN) such as high speed rail, light rail, intermodalism, etc. It's not an extreme view, it is actually happening across the country. We are also shifting via market forces already to cleaner burning fuel because it is cheaper (Natural Gas)......which was another AOC promotion that we move there faster. Not all of her ideas make sense but I would not write her off completely as you have.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - C'mon man - She argued that the $3b tax break NYC was offering Amazon should be spent on other projects. That speaks enough to her idiocy.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - One position she took among many. So she can't make mistakes? Who else in the Congress is held to that standard?
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Any excuse.
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