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Responses: 5
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Thank you sir!! Good to see a POTUS who actually cares about America's fallen heroes who gave all for their country. But really, no comments about suckers and losers? Oh wait, that was the orange loser. Never mind.
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Cpl Brett Wagner
Isn't that special... SSgt Addison has disabled voting and commenting for me. The perfect example of what is wrong with America today and typical liberal democrat. If you don't agree with me you don't get to talk. She made sure she voted down my comment before she disabled my ability to comment or vote. Kind of like finding mysterious votes, not allowing an investigation into wrong doing and suspicious activities. You SSgt Addison are what makes our country an intolerable place. You and those like you claim to be open minded, peaceful, accepting and want to coexist. What you kind really wants is total and complete submission to your way of thinking or you will punish, imprison and eventually kill those who disagree. You SSgt Addison are the modern day nazi who will insist Jews wear yellow stars and get in line for government showers. You and all your little friends will get away with it until the King returns and makes every wrong right. Unfortunately for you eternity is really going to suck. You can take pride in the fact that you destroyed the greatest country in history and anything good that ever existed in that country. Congratulations
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Yep, same situation here. If you know about Addison, it’s easy to see the basis for the hate.
PO3 Kevin Stephen
PO3 Kevin Stephen
>1 y
reel it in you know the left cancel culture racist hate signs and billboards that question them hahaha.
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PO3 Kevin Stephen
I dont like President Joe Biden and this is another reason why. his speech is always about how bad america is becuase of inequality or bias. Its Memorial Day and dont really think it has anything to do with what he was talking about. He says Unity then dogs the way the country is in his mind. The news is partly to blame they probably only showed part of the wreath laying at Arlington.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
>1 y
Your picture fits.
PO3 Kevin Stephen
PO3 Kevin Stephen
>1 y
you probably dont even know where the picture was taken cupcake.
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